West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, 31st August 2009

Training Starts Again on Wednesday September 2nd
Its that time of year again when our thoughts turn to cross country training. I hope everyone is feeling refreshed after their summer break and ready for winter training.
The season will be in full swing by the end of the month so it is important that everyone gets back in training as quickly as possible.  Last year we had a very successful cross country season with many qualifiers for the Munster all Ireland cross-country and the highlight of course being Sinead Flynn’s win in the under 11 competition. This year we hope to be just as successful.  With that in mind we encourage everyone to get back into training quickly.

Wednesday, 6pm, St Augustines College
Friday, 6pm, St Augustines College

New members are always welcome.

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