West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, March 13th 2009

Leevale Sports Next Sunday at U.C.C. Track
On Sunday next we head to Cork to compete in Leevale Open Sports. They have a full programme of event for all ages. This will be a good opportunity for our athletes to compete on a tartan track before the county championships the following week.  A bus will leave Centra, Abbeyside at 9.15 sharp. Check the notice board at training for further information.

County Championships on Sunday 26th April
The first session of the county championships will take place at the R.S.C. on Sunday 26th April. There will be events for all ages from under 9 up and we will run a bus to this event. Check the notice board for details.

Schools Events
The Waterford Secondary Schools Sports will take place on Wednesday 22nd   in the R.S.C. starting at 12.30. All the local schools have been notified of this event.

Kilmacow Cancelled
The first open sports of the season fell victim to the weather with the cancellation of Kilmacow Open Sports.  This was due to the heavy rains in the days leading up to the event, which left the grass track waterlogged.

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