West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, March 29th 2009

Credit Union Awards next Friday Night
A large group from West Waterford A.C. will travel to the Woodlands Hotel, Waterford for the final of the Combined Credit Awards at which the Supreme Juvenile Athlete of the Year will be announced.  West Waterford has four monthly winners, their biggest representation ever, in the final shake up.  They are Elma Nugent (March), Lisa, Laurence and Thomas Houlihan (May), Kate Veale (August) and Sinead Flynn (December).  The young athletes will be accompanied by their families and officials from West Waterford A.C. Juvenile Committee.  The guest speaker on the night will be Sonia O’ Sullivan and we look forward to her sharing her wealth of experience with us and I’m sure all the athletes will be inspired by words and ready to put them into practise in the upcoming track season.

Change of Time for next Friday
Because some many of our coaches and officials are travelling to Waterford for the Credit Union Finals we have brought forward training for next Friday only. It will start at 5.30 and finish at 6.20. On Wednesday it will be training as usual at 6.00pm. and will have training as usual on Wednesdays and Fridays  over the Easter holidays.

Good Run by Kate in Wales
On Saturday last Kate Veale competed as part of the Irish Schools team in the Schools International Cross Country in Bangor Wales. This was run over a very difficult course and was about 1000m longer than the distance run in Irish cross-country events. Kate showed herself well able for the distance and was the third Irish girl home in 20th place. This will be a good learning experience for Kate as she is young enough for this event again next year. This is the last cross country event of the season and the focus will now shift to track and field events.

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