West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenille Notes, March 22nd 2009

Congratulations Thomas and Kate
The Arklow Bay Hotel was the venue on Friday last for the annual Athletics Ireland All Star Awards. West Waterford A.C. was delighted to have two award winners Thomas Houlihan and Kate Veale. This was a great honour or the club as only one other club had two award winners. This is a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the two athletes and also to the coaches in West Waterford A. C.  In all thirty county and seven individual awards were given out.

First up was Thomas Houlihan who was awarded the Robin Sykes Trophy for consistent and outstanding performance by an athlete in 2008. Thomas has made great progress in the pole vault over the last number of years culminating in a record-breaking performance in the National Championships in Belfast where he broke the 34 year old record of Liam Hennessey.

Shortly afterwards it was Kate Veale’s turn to accept the Roisin O’Callaghan Trophy for the best performance in race walking in 2008. Having won National Indoor and Outdoor Championships Kate was a strong contender for this event but her record breaking performance at both the Celtic Games and the British AAA Championships left the destination of the trophy in no doubt. Kate travels to Wales next weekend where she will compete as a member of the Irish Schools cross-country team. All in West Waterford wish her the very best of luck.

Training Continues
We have had very good numbers attending training over the last number of weeks but always welcome new members. Remember it is from consistent attendance at training that success comes. We have training every Wednesday and Friday at 6pm at the Friary College.

The club would like to extend their sympathy to the Shalloe family on their recent bereavement.

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