West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile News, February 2nd 2009

Kate Veale wins Pat Noctor Award

On Friday night West Waterford’s Kate Veale became the sixteenth winner of the Pat Noctor Award. This award is presented annually by the Garda Social committee to the best young sportsperson in the Dungarvan Garda district. The twelve finalists included three West Waterford athletes Thomas Houlihan, Zoe Scanlon and Kate Veale. All three are seasoned international athletes who were successful in the Celtic International this year. A large group of supporters from the club attended the award ceremony and much to their delight were on hand to see Kate named winner and presented with the magnificent trophy. It has been a wonderful year for this dedicated and committed athlete. Kate has won every walking race in which she participated. She won county, Munster and All Ireland titles at club and schools level. She had international wins in Scotland, England and Switzerland with the highlight being her record-breaking win in the English A.A.A. championships in August. Kate was also on the Irish Schools Cross Country team where she was the first Irish finisher in the schools international. To crown a very successful year Kate received a Munster Sports Star Award at the Munster AAI banquet on Saturday night. All in West Waterford extend hearty congratulations to Kate. She is following in a long line of illustrious winners. In fact the first winner of the event was also a walker Jamie Costin who went on to represent Ireland at the Olympics in Sydney and Beijing.

Waterford Schools Cross Country Championships

Over 250 athletes from sixteen schools took part in the Waterford Schools Cross Country Championships on Thursday last. There was plenty of success for the local schools as they all figured among the medal winners. West Waterford athletes won three of the races. Representing Blackwater C.S. Lucy O’Brien was the winner of the minor girls race. She was soon followed by Robbie Mulligan in the minor boys and Kate Veale in the inter girls both of whom were representing the Friary. Ian O’Cuirrin an Gaeltacht and Scoil Nioclas An Rinn was the winner of the intermediate boys and to round off a successful day for West Waterford athletes Declan Power was second in the senior boys event and led the C.B.S. to the team title. There was also a second place for Colin Dunford of the C.B.S. in the junior boys. The Ard Scoil team of Edel Roche, Rebecca Maher and Nicola Coffey won the Inter girls team event, as did the Friary boys in the minor event.

Full Results:
Minor Girls:
1. L. O’Brien Blackwater C.S.
2. H. O’Leary Ursuline
3. M. Doran Ursuline

1. Ursuline
2. St Augustines
3. St. Declans
Junior Girls
1. A. O’Sullivan Stella Maris
2. A. Coady
3. E. Hennessey Pobalscoil

1.Pobalscooil na Trionoide
3.Ardscoil na nDeise

Inter Girls
1. K. Veale St Augustines
2. R. Wade Blackwater C.S.
3. S. Heylin Mercy

1. Ard Scoil na nDeise
2. St. Augustines
3. Ursuline

Senior Girls
1. C. O’Brien Ursuline
2. D. Boland Ursuline
3. S. Dollard Mercy

1. Ursuline
2. Ard Scoil na nDeise.

Minor Boys
1. R. Mulligan St Augustines
2. L.Landy Newtown
3. M. Shine Dungarvan C.B.S.

1. St. Augustines
2. Dungarvan C.B.S.
3. St. Declans

Junior Boys
1. J. Keane St. Pauls
2. C. Dunford Dungarvan C.B.S.
3. C. Daniels De La Salle

1. De La Salle
2. St. Pauls
3. Dungarvan C.B.S.

Inter Boys
1. I. O’Cuirrin Scoil San Nioclas
2. J. Skehan St. Declans
3. G. Hall St. Pauls

1. St. Declans
2. St. Augustines
3. Dungarvan C.B.S.

Senior Boys

1. C. Rocheford Abbey C.C.
2. D. Power Dungarvan C.B.S.
3. A. Flynn Newton

1. Dungarvan C.B.S.
2. St. Pauls

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