West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, 29th September 2008

Wins for Michael Power, Sean Curran and under 18 Girls at Kilmacow Open Cross-Country
The cross-country season got off to a great start on Sunday last when almost forty athletes travelled to compete in the first open cross-country in Kilmacow.  This was the biggest group we had ever taken to this event and it was a very successful outing. The first group in action were the under 9 boys and we had three in the top twelve.  Ben Flynn led the way in 6th with Niall Blackwell 10th and Cian Fagan just behind in 11th also running well on the day was Jack Mc Grath. In the under 10 girls Caoimhe Dwyer ran strongly to take second place with Rachael Wyley also winning an individual medal in finishing 11th. The first win of the day came from Michael Power in the under 11 boys.  Michael has been running very well in training so this was not a surprise to those of us who have been watching his progress over the last few weeks. We had three more individual prizewinners in this race Eoin Ryan in 8th Oran Leamy in 9th and David Montgomery in 11th.

With the older age groups the team scores became the most important thing with prizes awarded to the first three individuals and the first three teams. Sean Curren showing the benefits of his training over the last few weeks had a great run to take the individual title in the boys under 12, with Tholm Reddy not far behind in 5th, and Oisin O’ Mahony 18th, Eoin O’Brien 23rd they also won third team prize.  We also had Richard Casey 32nd Eoin Dwyer 35th and Shane O’Riordan 38th in the same race. The girls under 12 were also among the medal winners taking second place, they were led home by a much improved Cliona Ryan in 7th, Niamh Leamy 9th, Aisling Prendergast 15th, Sara Wyley 20th, Lorna Cummins 22nd  and Rebecca Ansell 47th.

Consistent training over the summer months has helped Lucy O’Brien to make huge strides forward and she showed this when finishing second yesterday. She led her team to third place and there was good backup from Chloe Lake 15th, Lydia Mangan 18th, Gemma Wyley19th, Emma O’Neill 22nd, Dervla Whelan 27th and Dominique O’Mahoney 33rd. Back in action this weekend was Cian Dwyer and he finished 14th in the boys under 14 race. We had just two competitors in the boys under 16 with Lughaidh O’Mahony finishing 5th and David Earley 10th. In the last race of the day our under 18 girls team took gold in the team event with Edel Roche 4th, Clodagh Gallagher 5th. Claire Collins 5th and Rebecca Maher 7th. Well done to all who competed.

County Championships next week-end
The Waterford cross country season gets under way next weekend with the first round of the county championships being held at the Friary with the first race getting under way at 1pm. Last year West Waterford A.C. won the Babs Connors Cup for the best club at the cross –country championships.  This win was due largely to the fact that we had teams scoring in every age group.  This year we hope to retain the trophy but in order to do so we need all our athletes to turn up on both days of the championships. So make a note of the dates in your diary. Sunday next will be the even age championships under 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. The under 9, 11,13,15and 17’s will compete up an age on Sunday next and have their own championships the following Sunday again at the Friary.  All details on this and all upcoming events can be found on the notice board at training.

Training continues on Wednesday and Fridays at 6pm. New members are always welcome.

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