West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, September 15th 2008

New Sponsor for Schools Cross Country Event
West Waterford juvenile athletic is pleased to welcome on board John White Certified Public Accountants Church St. as sponsor of the upcoming primary and secondary schools cross country. Principal of the firm John White was a well-known athlete in his school days.  John was among the medal winners at club and school provincial and national championships in race walking. It is always nice to see former athletes staying involved in the sport so we thank John for his involvement in this event. The cross country will be held on Friday next Sept 19th starting at 6.p.m. sharp.  There will be events for 4th, 5th, 6th, 1st year & 2nd year. There will be individual and team prizes on the night.  The events will follow closely one after the other and the programme will be completed by 7pm.  Entry fee of 1euro per athlete is payable on the night.  There is no entry fee for schools or parents. All interested children and parents are welcome. This event is also being supported by the Waterford Sports Partnership.

Credit Union Award for Kate Veale
Kate Veale became the latest West Waterford athlete to be honoured by the combined Credit Unions.  She has just been announced as the winner for August.  She joins Elma Nugent and Lisa Laurence and Thomas Houlihan who have already been honoured for their performances this year. Kate’s award is in recognition of her performance at the British AAA championships where she won the under 15 walk in record time.  The presentation will take place in Waterford on Monday night.

Training continues every Wed and Friday at 6pm in the Friary and also for older cross-country athletes in Colligan on Monday nights.  New members are always welcome.  

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