West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, January 21st 2008

Colligan Cup Next Sunday
The new year kicks into action next Sunday with the running of the Kiely Monumental Colligan Cup.  As usual there will be a juvenile race at 1pm. This is an open event and anyone can take part. The juvenile race will be run over one circuit of Colligan.  The person with the slowest predicted time will start first and the fastest runners will go off last so speed or age makes no difference. The winner will be the first person home after the clock hits zero.  Last year over sixty juveniles took part in this event and we hope for even bigger numbers this year. Last years winner was Rachael French and as usual the finish was very close, as you all seem to be getting better at judging your times.  Remember it is not how fast you run that counts but how near you are to your predicted time. Registration starts at 12.15 and the race will get under way at 1,00 sharp so come early and make sure you warm up before you run.  The juvenile race will be followed by the senior event.

The juvenile A.G.M. was held on Monday 21st January. The meeting was well supported by athletes and parents.  Secretary Mary Ashe gave a very comprehensive review of the years activities which was our most successful to date.  The following committee was elected.

Chairperson: Antoinette O’Brien
Vice Chairperson: Tony Shalloe
Secretary: Mary Ashe
Assistant Secretary: Rosemary O’Riordan
Treasurer: Grace Scanlan
Assistant Secretary: Helen Nugent
P.R.O: Mary Ashe
Child Welfare Officer: Antoinette O’Brien
Primary Schools Officer: Nora Healy
Officers: Bro. P. Lennon, Sandra Healy, John Mc Grath, Tony Ryan, Pat Earley

Membership for next year was fixed at €15 to include registration and insurance.

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