West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, January 7th 2008

Credit Union Award for Kate Veale
The Waterford Credit Union award winner for the month of November is West Waterford’s Kate Veale. 
This is the result of her fantastic run in France where she took first place in the CE  RAPT International  Cross Country race from a field of over 250 athletes. 

This is a richly deserved reward for a dedicated and highly motivated athlete. Kate rarely misses a training session and she has just had her best cross country season to date finishing off the year with a fifth place in the All Ireland Cross Country Championships. 

Kate is also making a name for herself in race walking circles and put in a great performance in Dublin in December leaving many older walkers in her wake.

Over the Christmas holidays she could been seen walking the roads with West Waterfords star walker Jamie Costin and I’m sure we will see the benefits of the advise and coaching she received from Jamie in the months ahead. 


A reminder to parents and athletes that our Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 21st January at 8. 00pm in Minnies.  We hope to see a large turn out of parents at this meeting.  All welcome.

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