West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, September 24th 2007

First Cross Country Next Weekend
The cross country season gets under way next Sunday when St. Senans A.C. host their annual cross country event at Kilmacow. West Waterford will travel to this event and the bus will leave Centra (Dannys) in Abbeyside at 11a.m. This will be a good start to the season for our young athletes and all those travelling to Paris will be in action at this event and they can see the improvement they have made with the training of the past few weeks.

West Waterford to Host County Championships
On Sunday 7th October West Waterford will host the first section of the county championships for under 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, with the younger athletes moving up a grade. The event will be held in the Friary starting at 1p.m. We hope for a full turn out of athletes on the day.

International Selection for Elma Nugent
Elma Nugent became the latest West Waterford athlete to gain international selection when she was selected to compete as a member of the Irish under 18 mountain running team which will compete against England, Scotland and Wales at a Welsh venue on the week end of 6-8 of October. Well-done Elma and the best of luck in Wales.

Training continues on Wednesday and Friday @ 6pm – all are welcome.

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