West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Juvenile Notes, September 3rd 2007




Training Starts Again
Its that time of year again, summer is over and its time to get back into training before the long winter evenings hit us. Training for all our juvenile athletes (aged 8 to 19) will start on Friday next September 7th at 6 o’clock in the Friary. We will be happy to see all our members back in action and will welcome new members.

Bag Packing for Paris
On Friday 14th and Saturday 15th of September we will have a bag-packing weekend in Dunnes’ Stores to defray some of the costs of our upcoming trip to Paris for an international cross country, any help from parents and older juvenile and senior athletes would be much appreciated. Sign up with Mary Ashe at training next Friday. The group have been training hard with Tony and many of them have shown a great improvement so its full steam ahead for the next two months.

Presentation to Juvenile Committee of €1.000 from senior club towards the cost of the upcoming juvenile trip to France for cross country race. Pictured l-r: Mary Ashe – Juvenile Secretary, Denise Regan – Senior Club Treasurer, Antoinette O’Brien – Juvenile Chairman, and James Veale – Chairman Senior Club

Cross Country Season to start soon
We have no dates yet but the cross country season should get underway by the end of September so it is important for everyone get back into training as quickly as possible.

Passing of Frank Leahy
It is with sadness we note the recent death of Frank Leahy. Frank gave generously of his time and energy as both a coach and a starter. For the past number of years he was the starter at all the schools events in Waterford and was sorely missed during his recent illness. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family.

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