West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

T.Q.S.league open to all.


The first round of the ever-popular TQS League took place in the grounds of the Friary College last Tuesday night, July 1st.  A great crowd attended it and it was wonderful to see some old and some new faces. A big welcome to all those that first took up running at our last league, it was great to see you all, and we’re sure that you will enjoy this league as much as the last league. This league is most suited to beginners so anyone out there that has yet to come along to the Friary you are most welcome. This league is different from others by the very fact that it’s not the fastest person that wins but the person that accurately predicts their time the best. Obviously watches are not permitted and the clock begins at 45 minutes and works in reverse to 0.00. The first person to cross the line after the clock reaches 0.00 is the winner regardless of the time they have ran. You may be running around the grounds and be passed out by someone whizzing along and yet you have as equal a chance as anyone else out on the field. It is this feature of the league that makes it so interesting and enjoyable.  It’s not that often, actually it’s practically impossible, that some of us runners get the chance to say that we beat the likes of Raivis Zakis and Sandis Bralitis. A total newcomer could very well be the winner on their first night. The league will be held every Tuesday night in the Friary College beginning at 7p.m. Registration begins from 6.45 onwards. All that you need to do is turn up and give your name at the van, pay €2 and then tell us if you want to run one, two, three or four laps. You may begin with one lap and then mid-way through the league you may change the number of laps you want to run. It’s not necessary to run each night, just turn up when you can but we guarantee that once you start you won’t want to stop. We hope to see as many as possible turn up next Tuesday night. See you all out there.


For round one of the TQS League it was Alan Curran who showed that he knew a thing or two about pacing when he crossed the line just as the clock reached 0.00. The clock was started by cross-country co-ordinator Tony Ryan at 45 minutes. The people running the four laps were off first, with everyone keeping a watchful eye on the clock as they all began running at the time they predicted it would take them to finish the laps. They were soon joined by those running the three laps, the two lappers were next to join in and them it was the turn of the one lappers. At this stage all the runners were out on the field and not one of them had any inkling as to who was too fast or too slow or who was running exactly on time. With about 800 metres to go the majority of the runners had all started bunching and it was someone among this bunch that was the winner. It’s at about this time that you start questioning- “should I stay going at the same pace or will I go a little faster, should I slow down but what then if I’m too slow?? It’s all great fun and makes for a very interesting night’s running. This week it was the turn of Alan Curran to take the honours for accurate pacing. Alan kept his cool and maintained his speed at an even level throughout the distance and for this was crowned winner for round one and for the moment he is now head of the league tables. For week two all eyes will be on Alan especially on the home straight and we’ll have to wait and see if he can pull off a double, it’s not uncommon that one person has won more than once in this league. Well done also to Tomas Coleman who was only a mere second slower than his predicted time. Earl Navin and Marie O’ Donovan were both only two seconds out and Cathal Dwane just three seconds slower than predicted. On the other side of the clock, that is those that were too fast there was Liam Kavanagh who was two seconds too fast. Liam is bound to win at some stage as he has had plenty of practice and is always there or thereabouts at the winter League. No wonder that Liam always has plenty of company on his run!! Martina Walsh will have to slow down a little next week, by seven seconds if she wants to get it right and Declan McGrath was nine seconds too fast. There were twenty people that were faster then they predicted, enjoy it as it’s not too often that we’re told that we’re too fast and there were forty-one runners that were slower than they predicted. It’s better to be slower than faster than your time. To help you get it right for the next night, take a look at the time you did for the first round and if you were too fast or slow, adjust your time accordingly. The best of luck to everyone for the remainder of the league and remember it’s never too late to join in.


Our sincere thanks goes to our sponsors Tom and Maura Quilty once again coming on board as league sponsors. They have sponsored this league for a number of years now and their support and generosity has always ensured the success of the league. Tom was present at the first round and provided much needed bottles of water for all the runners at the end. This kind gesture was much appreciated by all involved. Many thanks.


The fifth Minnie’s Fit4Life Running League came to a very successful conclusion after nine continuous weeks. It was a most fruitful event with it going well beyond all expectations. This league was set up with the beginner in mind. We knew that there were so many of you out there wanting to get fit and healthy but weren’t so sure how or where to start. The league was borne from this whereby the framework was provided by the host club, West Waterford A.C. The league catered for all types of runners, short, middle and long distance and especially for those with no previous running experience. All that we requested was that you turn up with a bit of enthusiasm and willingness to give it a go and turn up you did. We are delighted to report that we had a record entry of participants once again this year and this year had the largest number of newcomers. The complete success of the league can most certainly be gauged on the fact that right up to the last round there were new people joining each week. This was largely due to new people joining up and the following week they were returning with a friend or two. It really was that easy. We offered a choice of one, two, three or four laps of the Friary grounds with each lap being a total of 1.2 miles in distance. As expected, the newcomers tackled the one lap first but as was also expected there were many that made the transition to the two laps and some eventually took part in the three and four lap league. It was really encouraging to see the newcomers reach this target and there’s no looking back for these people anymore. At a recent five mile road race in the locality, there was a number of people who began running at the Minnie’s league who took part and completed this five mile race, this alone will give encouragement and motivation to anyone out there who is thinking of taking up running. Everyone was encouraged to run at their pace and with the huge numbers taking part there was always a group or two running at the same level and pace as somebody else and this in itself was a massive source of motivation. With the league being held every Tuesday it was great to see many of the participants out training on other evenings and it’s true to say that many are now enjoying a new lease of life, reaching high levels of fitness and well-being previously thought impossible. As many training and running articles will quote “impossible is nothing” and we hope that you all will go on and further your running experiences. Thanks to all participants for making the league as successful as it was. Your co-operation and support in all matters was greatly appreciated. Now that the league is over we can report that a total of 211 people took part in the various distances of the league. In the one lap league a total of 36 took part, the majority of whom were beginners and others were making a welcome return from last year. There were 30 women and 6 men in total and they are all to be congratulated on their achievement. All enjoyed remarkable success and are to be complimented on their enthusiasm and commitment to the task at hand. The sky’s the limit for these people now and we really hope that we will see them at our upcoming events. The two-lap league had a total of 61 different people that took part over the nine weeks, comprising of 19 men and 42 women. Some of these were regular runners working on their speed and for others it was the next step from having conquered the one lap league. There were some that made the move to the two laps after only a few weeks and were really glad that they did. It was double the distance but the very people in question took it all in their stride and came up trumps. The three-lap league also had people that progressed from the one and two laps along with others that started with the three laps. It was in the three laps that the times were very close with little more than a second or two separating each of the runners. This gave us some great battles indeed and it gave great motivation to the runners. Out of the forty-five runners in the three-lap league there were twenty-nine men and sixteen women in total that took part. There were many record times produced over the course of the league with many more great things to come from these runners. It’s always great to have someone the same pace as yourself as when it gets tough along the last stretch they give you that injection of pace that’s needed just at the end. Within the four lap league, it was our regular members that formed the majority of entrants but what’s most interesting to note here is that by the end of the league we had one or two that began with the one lap and progressed right along to finish on four laps, this is a most commendable achievement indeed and a just reward for their effort and determination. Well done to all of you and we hope that this is only the start for you. In total we had fifty men and nineteen women in the four-lap league. The grand tally of runners in the league was 211 with an average of 100 running each night. This certainly helped us reach the aims of the Fit4Life Running League which was to encourage and promote running to non-runners and runners alike and to show each and every one of you that it can be quite easy to incorporate exercise and running into your weekly or daily routine whatever the case may be. Congratulations to all those that took part in the league and we hope you enjoyed the league as much as we did.


As with every league, we have many people working together to ensure the smooth running of the league and here at West Waterford AC we are lucky to have a team of dependable and diligent members always willing to help in whatever capacity they can. A big thank you to Tony Ryan, our Cross-Country Co-ordinator for taking the entries and the finishing times, to Liam Crowe on the clock, to Michael Tutty for setting out the course each night, to Ann Dunford for taking care of the division tables each week and to James Veale, photographer extraordinaire. Last but by no means least Norma Wall for her terrific insight into the league happening with her detained notes each week.


The night after the league concluded we had our very successful prize-giving night in Minnie’s Bar Abbeyside. A large crowd was in attendance and all had a great night. The club chairman Tony Ryan began proceedings by thanking all the runners that took part in the league and complimented them on their effort and commitment. The prizes were then awarded to the top two in division one and to the top person in each of the subsequent divisions. Paddy O’ Brien, league sponsor, was on hand to present the prizes. A draw was then held for a pair of runners among all those that took part in the league. Patrick O’ Riordan’s winning streak was with him once again this year as for the second year running he was the winner.


Our sincere thanks must go to our sponsors, the O’ Brien family of Minnie’s Bar who ensured that everyone was well looked after at the prize giving. Their kindness and hospitality was greatly appreciated by everyone on the night. Their generosity and support throughout the duration of the league was fantastic and this certainly contributed to the overall success of the league. We are indebted to our sponsors as their help enables to club to continue to hold leagues like this. We would also like to thank them for making themselves available on the night to present the prizes. Many thanks.


The following are the winners of the various divisions within the league. There were five people in each division and your final score comprised of your best six nights out of the nine nights in total. Congratulations to all the winners.

Division One:  Declan Hayes and Diana Chizhikova

Division One: Martin Hayes and Yevgeniy Chizhikov
Division Two: Tomas O’ Grady
Division Three: Marian Moloney

Division one: Tomas Coleman and Tom Byrne
Division Two: Joe Barry
Division Three: Onra Power

Division One: Raivis Zakis and Alan Lyons
Division Two: Gary Collins
Division Three: Norma Wall
Division Four: Tom Moroney
Division Five: Micheal Callaghan
Division Six: J.J Henley
Division Seven: Caitriona O’ Brien


The Woodies sponsored national Senior Track and Field championships are on Saturday and Sunday July 19th and 20th next in Morton Stadium Santry.Entries are now closed and we wish all West Waterford athletes taking part in these championships the best of luck.
Like wise the Woodies National Masters are being held on Saturday 9th August in Tullamore and any athletes wishing to be entered here are asked to contact Tony Ryan closing date July 25th.


Postponed some weeks ago due to the inclement weather, the clubs Sunrise challenge to Cruchan will take place on this coming Sunday morning July 13th.All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Niall Melon Township fund. We will depart from Minnie’s Abbeyside at 4 AM and drive to the foot of Cruchan Mountain, We will walk the mile or so to the summit to watch the sun rise over the Déise.The traditional run back to Minnie’s for a full Irish breakfast will take place for those interested in doing it and all others will drive back for breakfast. Tell your friends and then bring them along.4AM from Minnie’s.




The 9th Annual Glaxosmithkline 5 mile road race and walk will take place this coming Friday evening at 8 PM.Open to all runners, fun runners, joggers and walkers, (walk will start at the earlier time of 7.30 PM.) The race organisers G.S.K.have decided to donate all monies from the event to a very worthy charity once again this year, The West Waterford Hospice Society and with this excellent charity in mind we urge everyone to take part in either the run or the walk on the night. There is a huge array of prizes again for this years race and they are as followes.1st 5 Men, 1st 3 Men over 40,1st 3 Men over 45,1st Man over 50,1st Man over 55,1st Man over 60,1st 5 Ladies, 1st Lady over 35, 1st Lady over 40,1st Lady over 45,1st Lady over 50,1st Lady over 55,1stJunior Man and Women, 1st Wheelchair athlete, In addition a cash bonus of 100 Euro will be awarded to the first Man to break 24.45 which is the course record held by William Harty from 2001 and 100 Euro to the first Woman to break the course record of 29.20 held by Sinead Cummins St.Josephs, and set in 2004.A quality T-shirt and goodie bag will be presented to all finishers, with numerous spot prizes to be raffled among all non prize winners for both walkers and runners, This race is one not to be missed and is now well established as one of the best 5 mile road race’s anywhere in the country and provides a course well capable of supplying you with that personal best time over the distance.. The organising committee at Glaxosmithkline are expecting a very large field and they remind us that, all are invited to come along after the race to the presentation of prizes at Dungarvan Soccer Club pavilion (by kind permission) for tea’s and sandwiches. Please note also that parking is limited and if you have to bring your car parking will be provided at the industrial estate at the back of the Crystal centre with access from the roundabout at the Fire station. Your co-operation with this matter would be much appreciated.


It is horrible, yet fascinating, this struggle between a set purpose and an utterly exhausted frame.


The American Arthritis foundation have found in their research that the stronger the muscles and tissues around your joints, the better they will be able to support and protect those joints. If you don’t exercise, your muscles become smaller and weaker, says Patience White, MD and chief public health officer of the AF, ”people with pain in their joints imagine that runners must have even more pain, but we have lots of good data to show that running doesn’t cause arthritis.


The West Waterford Champions league is starting to show potential winners of the various categories with three races remaining in this year’s competition. Remembers its seven races to count with the lowest score best. As you will see from some of the tables below some may not have the required seven races counting yet, Also some runners may not yet be showing on the tables because they haven’t yet reached the required races but might yet of course complete 7 by series end.


R  Zakis 1 1 3 3 —- 3 3    14
A Lyons 19 20 16 31 13 24 27    150


PJ Guinan 17 10 11 18 8 13 11    88
K O’Donnell 90 79 72 56 41 45 44    427


M Hayes 28 22 19 —– 16 18 41    144
T O’Brien 40 32 53 44 38 —- —-    207


D Wade 41 39 45 —– 40 —- 47    212
E Phelan 46 —- —- —– 42 50 52    190


G Cantwell 24 —- 63 51 —– 28 29    195
C Lyons 35 26 33 40 29 31 —-    194


R Murray 184 173 225 129 126 135 151    1123


P Connaughton 133 121 149 100 104 106 —–    713
M Hennessey 128 —- 165 119 —– 118 121    651


D Power 31 — 51 16 12 130 28    268


C Walsh 36 25 — 33 27 32 33    186
T Wall 96 105 128 —- 92 119 109    649
I Melne —– 129 157 85 96 95 104    666


D Behan 48 ——- 55 —- 47 44 73    267
B Coffey 117 117 164 94 88 98 122    800


A Whelan 105 99 104 76 75 83 83    625
A Dunford 101 95 146 102 —- —- 107    551


E Ni hAodha 62 59 67 54 58 59 65    424
J Ui Chuirrin 122 127 151 113 90 100 133    836


A Moroney 182 202 213 135 137 154 171    1194


T Gough 217 214 267 157 156 159 191    1361


No, the heading isn’t a gold for track or field competition or any type of athletics but last weekend one of the localities most loved athletics mentors, Fr O’Donnell of St.Augustines College celebrated his golden jubilee as a member of the Augustine order, way back when many of us were in the short pants, Fr O’Donnell was heavily involved in the local athletics scene around Dungarvan, His boys club The Friary AC produced many national and international athletes of note during the 60’s and 70’s,he also was one of the founder members of the first Lady clubs in the area, St.Mary’s AC and they two found much success with the likes of Liz Mountain, comes to mind, she was an athlete of national and international standard and represented her country in her favourite event, the 800 meters, It would be safe to say through Fr.O’Donnell’s coaching she was the first local Female athlete to reach such a high standard, Another  notch to his belt was his much read weekly athletic notes in the Dungarvan Leader, Yes an athletics all rounder indeed. I know that Fr.O’Donnell is still an avid reader of these notes each week and he has never lost his appetite and love for the sport of athletics only recently he made himself available to present the Primary Schools medals and it was clear to see that he really enjoyed the occasion, it was also an honour for the Juvenile club to have him on the night. An interesting note from last weekends Woodies Juvenile championships in Antrim was the fact that current St.Augustines Pole Vaulter Thomas Houlihan beat the under 17 boys record which was held since 1974 by one Liam Hennessey and yes you guessed it Liam Hennessey won was then a student of St. Augustine’s College and was at that time coached by one Fr.O’Donnell.
From all at West Waterford Athletic Club we extend our heartiest congratulations and we wish Fr.O’Donnell our very best wishes on achieving this milestone in the priest hood and we wish him many more years of good health. 


Joe Gough made a quick one day dash last Sunday to the British masters championships in Birmingham where he took part in the 800 meters over 55.Joe took gold in the event in a time of 2.12.6 to add yet another title to his long list national titles held both here in across the water. Brendan Moran while competing in the 100 meters heats picked up an injury and was unable to take part in the finals, we wish him a speedy recovery. 

West Waterford results just to hand.

3rd Raivis Zakis 15.53
10th P.J.Guinan 17.12
24th Corinna Walsh 18.26
40th Tom O’Brien 19.14
43rd Kenneth O’Donnell 19.24
48th Diane Behan 19.43
52nd Paul Brunnock 20.05

53rd Liam Kavanagh 20.05
63rd Anne Whelan 20.53
65th Billy Coleman 21.16
94th Geraldine Heffernan 23.54
135th T erri Gough 29.25

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