West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

David Mc Carthy poetry in motion!!




On Bank Holiday Monday last the people of Touraneena came out in numbers to see local hero West Waterford Athletic Club and Providence College athlete David Mc Carthy in action and he didn’t disappoint, The course record was broken on the night and likewise the entry of 167 runners was also a record entry for the race. The race was the 13th Annual event and was once again kindly sponsored by Hallahan Coaches .The organisation of the walk and run by the Touraneena racquetball club was top class and this along with ideal weather made for a night of athletics second to none, for the evenings race, Before proceedings got under way a minutes silence was observed in memory of the Wall brothers of Colligan who lost their lives tragically over the weekend. The walk got under way at 6.30 and here yet another record was achieved when 96 completed the course, As has been the case for many years now the organisers Touraneena Racquet ball club made a donation from the proceeds of the race to a chosen charity and this year’s recipient was Cystic Fibrosis so thanks to all who contributed to this most worthy cause. Mr Michael Hickey was on hand to accept the check on behalf of that organisation, The race itself was blessed with a top class field of the areas best road runners but the night belonged to one young local man David McCarthy, Fresh from a superb performance on Saturday evening in the Irish Milers club event at the Kit Kat Schools All Ireland championships in Tullamore Where he ran a superb 4.01,David gave a performance for his home supporters to remember when clipping around the 5k road circuit in a record time of 14.26 smashing the old standard set two years previous by club mate Sandis Bralitis 14.54.From the gun David made his intentions known when taking the field through the first mile in a very fast 4.49 at this stage just before the leader came onto the main road section of the course he was some 80 meters clear of the field with Sergiu Turea Clonliffe Harriers in 2nd place,Niall McCormack Clonmel AC third at this stage of the race, Our leader clipped through mile two in 9.31 and it was a case of chasing that record time from here to the finish in Touraneena,This he duly did in style and came up the slight incline in the village to a real hero’s home welcome to take victory in that record time 14.26.Sergiu held on well to take second in 15.04 which would have been good enough on another day for victory,Raivis Zakis West Waterford rallied well after a sluggish start to come through into third place in a time of 15.10.Raivis had earlier ran the relay in the Cork city marathon,. 
In the Masters categories over 40 went to Derek Coogan from North Laois AC with a time of 16.39.The over 45 categories was won by Denis Mc Carthy East Cork AC he clocked a time of 16.52, Larry Lacey St.Josephs was the first finisher over 50 with his time of 17.38,This was Larry’s second year winning this category, Pat Connaughton West Waterford AC was first over 60 in 22.43.first Junior was Ferdia O’hAodha Ferrybank AC in a time of 15.38,First local on the night was Quentin Hickey in a splendid time of 18.48 after a titanic battle with twice winner Richard Mc Carthy who was clocked at 18.49,well done to both for a sporting battle out on the course.

Kilmore’s Jackie Carty made a welcome return to the winners enclosure when taking the Ladies title in a time of 18.29 having finished 3rd last year, Jackie will be delighted to be back to her best from in some time. West Waterford’s Corinna Walsh gave Jackie a great race and was just 1 second behind at the line,Corinna had yet another impressive run clocking a time of 18.30,Waterford AC’s Marie Griffin was a clear third in a time of 18.48,The over 40 prize was won by Anne Whelan West Waterford 20.48 another fine run from Anne who has now won this title 3 years in a row, The winner in the over 45 section was Eilish Ní hAodha West Waterford AC with a time of 19.41 and the over 50’s was won by Hillary Collins Tipperary in a time of 25.00.First Junior was another West Waterford Lady Elma Nugent who took an hour out from her exam studies to have a good run finishing with a  time of 20.14, There were Plenty of spot prizes drawn among all the non prize winners on the night also. Local Racquetball star Eithne Skehan was the first local Lady in a time of 28.00.


Race organising committee member Pat Keane summed it all up when he was about to announce the winner of the Ann Power memorial shield which is awarded to the winner of the walk who each year is the participant who predicts how long it will take them to complete the 5k course, Pat making the winner’s announcement said it couldn’t have been won by a more appropriate winner and it was a special occasion for Valerie Power to be deemed the winner of the beautiful shield in memory of her late mother who was so dare to the Touraneena community. Valerie was third in last years event so it was nice to see one of Ann’s family win this year as all her children are great supporters of the walk, The shield has been awarded on four previous occasions and the winner shave been Ailbhe Foley, Conor Tobin, Bernie Gleeson and last year Yvonne Sheehan. Valerie was just 2 seconds outside her predicted time, Andrea Geary was 2nd in the walk 8 seconds out and Patsy Dalton was 3rd 45 seconds out. Our thanks to Kieran Power who presented the shield on behalf on the Power family to his sister Valerie.


Our thanks to the race committee in Touraneena for another superb job in organising this years race, a huge amount of personal were involved with the event.  Thanks to Pat Keane and Pat Dalton of Touraneena racquetball club whom did great work behind the scenes, to the Sliabh gCua community hall for the use of the hall for changing, entries and presentation. Well done to the six local’s who did the fundraising run at the race, Brendan Tobin, a Hallahan, Tara Skehan, Gillian Gleeson, Sean Kearns and Johnny McGrath, The winner of the 1.000 Euro prize here was Michael Kennifick of Youghal Co. Cork who got their finishing combination right. Thanks to young Aoife Hallinan who played a blinder presenting all the winners with their prizes, To Eleanor Hickey, Linda Skehan and their big crew for the endless hours preparing the Strawberries and ice cream and the very welcome tea, and sandwiches of course, A huge community effort by many people, thanks to all those who took part in the walk and those who were responsible for organising the walk. Well done once again to our own hard working crew steered by Gerry and Breda Cantwell along with Bernie Wade, Liam Crowe, Vincent O’Donovan and Noel Power county board chairman for looking after entries and results, timing by Joe Conway with Tony and Michael on van duty. A very special thanks to our stewards under Lar Mc Carthy along with his right hand man Liam Cahill who looked after the course and to all stewards who did a wonderful job on the night, no stone was left unturned by them to make sure all runners were safe on the course, Thanks to the local Gardai and to the civil defence Ann Whelan, Michael Morrissey and Eddie McCarthy, Thanks to Michael Power Fencing Contractor for sponsoring the Ambulance for the race, Finally to our race sponsor Hallahan Coaches very special thanks for being involved with the race again this year, To all those so many to mention whom I have left out our thanks your help is invaluable also.


A large contingent of athletes from the club made the journey to Cork last Monday for the 2nd Annual Cork City Marathon. A full list of finishing times is not available as yet, but the day surely belonged to Declan McGrath running his second marathon ever Declan who had put in a huge effort training wise for the event was duly rewarded with a splendid 2.46 finishing in 9th place overall. Well done to Declan on his big performance. The clubs first Relay team were in 4th place, with a time of 2.39 on the team were Patrick O’Riordan, Philip Harty, Alan Hickey, Brian Byrne.another great run to finish 4th from the 823 teams entered. The team of Raivis Zakis, Martin Hayes and Pat Dunford finished 5th team with a time of 2.42,Another performance of note came from Anthony Dwyer who was completing his 41st Marathon last Monday, Anthonys time was 3.38 Congrats to all West Waterford runners who finished the event, many who were running for various charities.



It’s hard to believe that we are already past the half way stage in the Minnie’s Fit4Life Running League but as the saying goes “Time flies when you’re having fun”. All have achieved the main objective of the league, which is to be fit for life. The running league provides the backdrop to gain this fitness and a means of continuing the exercise trend and incorporating it in to your daily or weekly routine, whatever the case may be. We still have newcomers each week, which is really encouraging, and it’s fascinating to see the remarkable improvement in each of the runners. It’s when you really try and give it your all that you actually learn for yourself just what you are capable of. There have been many that started the leagues that said they had been thinking about joining with a long time but kept putting it on the long finger, their one and only regret was that they didn’t join sooner. The time you run the lap or laps in, is completely irrelevant, it’s being able to run the distance is what matters but everyone does find in 100% of cases that their time does improve significantly. This is due to the fact that you are fitter, stronger and healthier and you are able to push yourself to new levels each week. As time goes by, our goals always change as well. Your aim at the start may have been to run a lap without stopping and now it might be to run the lap in less than 11 or 12 minutes or maybe even 10 minutes. Should you keep this up, just imagine what you will be capable of by the end of the summer, the autumn and the winter. In a year’s time you will look back and wonder how you ever found the one lap difficult as you whiz around on you’re fourth or fifth lap, trust me it really does happen. There is four nights left of the league with the divisions really beginning to take shape. It’s the best six nights that count so not to worry if you missed the odd night. We really urge you to continue coming to the Friary College on Tuesday nights for the remainder of the league as you will really see the benefits at the end and it will make you all the more ready and able for club’s upcoming leagues.


Siobhain McCormack certainly moved it up a gear last week for round five of the Minnie’s Fit4Life running league. While her goal all along had been to break 11 minutes, she well and truly smashed this time when she recoded a super 10.38 for the one lap league. This has been a tremendous improvement and well deserved by Siobhain. No doubt she has been taking a running tip or two from husband Gary and going on her present form it might not be too long before she joins him in the four-lap league. Diana Chizhikova and Declan Hayes were both under the magical ten minutes per lap and soon to join them will be Helen O’ Brien who was only 19 seconds outside of ten minutes. Helen was followed very closely by Tara Foley who is also showing steady improvement with each outing. Jenny Burke will be well pleased having run under 11 minutes with Aisling Hourigan also running close to this time. Well done to all the one lappers and keep up the good work.


Week five was certainly a good week for Hugh O’ Connor as he managed to run the two laps under 18 minutes. He certainly ran with panache and style and paced himself literally to perfection and finished up with a time of 17.59, a mere second to spare. The sky’s the limit now for Hugh and no doubt there will be plenty more improvement from Hugh before long. Yevgeniy Chizhikov also reached his goal of 15 minutes for the two laps. Christopher O’ Grady and Inese Melne did very well indeed to run under 19 minutes, well done to you both. Aisling Horgan, Carolyn Byrne and Geraldine Barry had a good few seconds to spare in their quest to run under 20 minutes, which they did with ease. It certainly gets easier with each passing week as proved by Maria O’ Donovan, Finola Ronayne and Marian Moloney.


Well done to Joe Barry who was successful in running under 9 minutes per lap for the 3-lap league. His finishing time was 26.57 to be exact which was great running by any standards. Pearse Moloney and Michael Horgan had a bit of a battle to get to the finishing tunnel with Pearse getting the nod this time recording 28.35 and Michael just 2 two seconds behind. Linda Bradfield, Onra Power and Brigid Coffey had each other for company throughout the duration of the three laps and all finished within seconds of each other. Congratulations to Carmel Corcoran who was well under 31 minutes.


In the four lap league, there was a mighty battle between Philip Harty and Brian Byrne who both gave their all over the distance and ended up with the exact same time of 29.07 with Philip first into the finishing tunnel. Both athletes pushed each other along the course and produced some fine running indeed. They were well clear of fourth placed Alan Lyons who was also successful in breaking 30 minutes, as was Des Feeney. On the other side of 30 minutes were Pat Dunford, Gary McCormack and Kenneth O’ Donnnell who is really showing great form throughout the league. Gerry O’ Connor certainly means business in this league and at the beginning of the fourth lap he really upped the pace and was in no danger of being caught as he completed the course in 32.28. Paul Brunnock was under 33 minutes for the first time in the league, the Connemara Ultramarathon certainly having no effect on his form. Earl Navin was very close to breaking 33 minutes, another week or two should see him right for that. Ann Whelan and Tommy Moore were well under 35 minutes with many others delighted with their improving form.


The club would like to thank the O’ Brien family of Minnie’s whose generous sponsorship, help and co-operation has been greatly appreciated again this year. We have been fortunate to benefit from their sponsorship over the last number of years and it certainly adds to the success of the league. Many thanks.


It hard to believe that we are almost at the half way point in this years Ger Wyley sports/Nike summer series when on Friday June 13th we are in Ring for the 16th Annual Mooney’s Pub sponsored Rás Na Rinne 6 miler, We would like to sincerely thank Tom and Ann Gough for their ongoing sponsorship of this event now in its 16th year. The race this year is race number 5 in the series and it will start at 8 PM.Changing facilities and race entry will be at Halla Phobail Na Rinne from 7 PM.with entry fee 8 Euro. The following are the prize categories for the race 1st 3 Senior Men, 1st over 40,45,50,55,and 60,1st Junior, and 1st Local.1st 3 Senior ladies, 1st over 35,40,45,and 50.and 1st three teams with 5 to score using the handicap system for selecting teams. West Waterford club policy as usual regarding prizes, one prize per athlete. There will also be plenty of spots for non prize winners on the night, and of course the winner will be presented with the O’ Droma family perpetual shield. The presentation of prizes will take place in Mooney’s Pub after the race and refreshments will also be served to all.

Our West Waterford Athletic Club’s Annual Sunrise challenge takes place this year on Sunday morning June 22nd departing at 4 AM. Yes that’s 4 AM in the morning folks; a large turn out is expected again this year for the 4th Annual watch the sunrise challenge event with all proceeds going to a very worthy cause. West Waterford athletic club are delighted to be involved with this year’s chosen charity the Niall Mellon Township Trust. Local volunteers Berti Hallahan, Christopher Dee and Peter Cuna will be part of 1.300 builders who will take on the challenge of building 300 houses for the less well off in the town of Khayelitsha which is Situated on the outskirts of Cape Town in South Africa, The three Men are sending out an invitation to all to join them and West Waterford Athletic Club by take up our own challenge to watch the sunrise over the Déise with all proceeds going to the Niall Mellon Trust fund, Entry is 20 Euro which includes a post race breakfast. We will meet at Euro spar car park Abbeyside at 4 AM and travel by car to the mountain base before walking the mile or so to the top of Cruchán Mountain. Where will watch the sun rise over the famed Déise, Pat and Ann Dunford’s traditional breakfast run takes place from the base of Crúchan to the breakfast in Minnie’s at the usual handy pace to round off the morning in style.


The Senior clubs monthly committee meeting will be held tomorrow night Thursday June 5th in Minnie’s Bar, please note that the meetings for the summer months will start at the later time of 9PM.


St Senans AC will hold their Little South Run 4 Mile road race in aid of Hospice on Sun 8th June at 1.00pm in Kilmacow, Co Kilkenny.  The race is over a fast Jones counter measured course, which last year produced some of the fastest times for the distance with Joe Sweeney of DSD winning in 18.39.
Cash prizes on offer include 500 euro to winner plus 300 euro bonus for a sub 18.30 clocking. There are also top prizes in all categories for male/female. It will also have a fun run and walk with sponsorship cards available from local Hospice Movement. Specially commissioned medallions to all finishers, T-shirts, spot prizes and a free draw for a Breakaway Holiday. Thanks to their sponsors Kelly & Dollard Ltd.
Full details from Bill Lacey 086 8100299.


Joe Gough fresh from his Waterford city mayoral reception made the journey on Wednesday last to Santry for the 800 meters graded race, Joe’s time of 2.14.19 secured 2nd in the D race on the night the race was won by Keith Sherlock of Tallagh AC in a time of 2.13.73.This was good start to the outdoors season for Joe.


Race 1-Auto Power Rathgormack 5-7:30 p.m. Friday 6th June

The organisers of the Rathgormack 5 mile race are again delighted to welcome Auto Power on board with their very generous sponsorship which has ensured that with an overall prize fund of €1500 and €150 for the first man and woman that this will be a very popular race for all levels of runners from beginners to more experienced campaigners. Last year’s ladies and gent’s winners were Adele Walsh and Raivis Zakis respectively. Race HQ will again be the wonderful Rathgormack Hiking and Community Centre where expectations are high amongst runners after the high standard of last year’s post race refreshments! One of the most interesting features of this race (besides its very scenic course) is the fact that once again sponsorship cards are available for the Irish Cancer Society. Last Year €6400 was raised for this very worthy cause with thanks to all the walkers, runners and race supporters who donated to this cause. A specially commissioned perpetual trophy will also be presented to the overall winner in memory of Joanne O’Donoghue (nee Brunnock) a popular, Rathgormack woman who sadly passed away in 2001 at the age of 32 after living with cancer for some months beforehand. Race entry fee is €8 with registration starting at 6 p.m., a limited number of Irish Cancer Society T-Shirts will also be available on a first come first served basis. For race details and sponsorship cards contact Johnny Brunnock @ 086-8483210 or Maura Brunnock @ 087-9911982. Runners can also pre enter on line at www.runireland.com.


Running is my meditation; mind flush, cosmic telephone, mood elevator and spiritual communion.


The Walls of Fethard 6k road race was held last Thursday evening and a good turn of 89 completed the four-lap town course. The race was the final race in the Tipperary 4 race challenge series. Winner on the night was Sergiu Turea Clonliffe Harriers in a time of 19.09 with Tommy Evans Gowran 2nd 19.23 and Raivis Zakis West Waterford Ac was 3rd 19.33.Joe Gough finished 20th in a time of 22.47, this secured Joe the over 55 prize, Pat Dunford was our next finisher in 26th place 23.39.Corinna Walsh was next finishing 3rd Lady in 23.55.Siobhain O’Doherty was the winner in 22.27 with Madeline Loughnane 2nd 23.18.Diane Behan won the over 35 prize in a time of 25.02,Ann Dunford was next across the line in 27.51 2nd Lady over 40,Brigid Coffey did her best to get James Veale around the course and they both finished 28.30 and 28.32 respectfully, Well done to all and to our friends in Tipp for having a successful series.



Round two of the national track and field leagues will be held on Sunday June 15th next. We have been drawn to compete in Dublin in our group along with Clonliffe Harriers, Shercock, Tullamore Harriers, Crusaders, Abbey and Donore Harriers. All the remaining clubs are competing in Cork on the same day. Why A.A.I have decided in their wisdom to have the northern clubs competing in Cork and the Southern clubs travelling to Dublin beggar’s belief but there you go again that’s the A.A.I.at work. The good news from a West Waterford point of view is that we are currently in 8th place with 8 to qualify for the finals in Tullamore on Sunday July 27th.Having progressed as winner of division 1 last year we have certainly done ourselves proud after round one, Now for the next big move to try our very best to actually qualify for the finals. This was our stall set out earlier in the year and this in itself would be a great achievement for our club, especially when you look through the list of big name clubs which we are competing against in the premier division. As can be seen from the leagues tables below the tables couldn’t be tighter and an all out effort is need from everyone involved if we are to make that big leap forward and qualify for July 27th in Tullamore.The club recently have invested heavily in top notch throwing equipment and the athletes using this are more than pleased with our purchases. They have it must be said put this equipment to goods use and the results can be seen from our table position after round one. 

1. North Down AC    117
2. Shercock AC     115
3. Clonliffe Harriers AC   114
4. Leevale AC    112
5. Meath Athletics   98
6. Raheny Shamrocks AC  97
7. Menapians AC   95
8. West Waterford AC   93.5
9. Dundrum South Dublin AC  91
10. Tullamore Harriers AC  83.5
11. Donore Harriers AC   77
12. Crusaders AC    66
13. Abbey AC    26


A reminder this week to all Junior and under 23 athletes that entries for the upcoming national Track and Field championships which are being held on Sunday June 29th in Tullamore close on Friday June 13th. Please forward your name to Track and Field coordinator Tony Ryan A.S.A.P. on 087-7657805.


Poetry in motion was how Brendan Mooney the renowned athletics reporter for the Irish Examiner described West Waterford’s David McCarthy after he had the huge crowd entralled with a spell binding perfomance in the mile event at the Irish Milers race held during the Kit Kat All Ireland schools championships in Tullamore last Saturday.The Irish milers club event was a treat for all the young aspiring athletes who witnessed some of the countries best milers first hand,Without doubth the buzz around the stadium after the race was for the perfromance of David Mc Carthy who has just returned recently from Providence College where he has completed his first year on scholarship,David came within a breath of a major upset and almost got up to beat non other than Clonliffe Harriers olympian James Nolan who had to call on all his experience to denie the Ballinamult youngster victory,Nolan was clocked at 4.01.02 and David 4.01.05.Immediately following the race the Nolan said that McCarthy was on fire today and is the best he has seen for some time,just 300’s of a second seperated the first two at the line,many even thought that David had taken the victory and the decision had to be made by the finish line camera shot.It  was a dream return to the track where just 12 months previous David had won the Senior schools 1,500m before departing for the States.Mark Christie Mullingar was just behind in third with a time of  4.01.24.This is undoubhtly just the beginning of a career which is going to blossom in the years ahead.Watch this space.


1.James Nolan  Clonliffe Harriers   4.01.02
2.David McCarthy  West Waterford  4.01.05
3.Mark Christie  Mullingar    4.01.24
4.Liam Reale   Hospital    4.03.41
5.Mark Hanrahan  Leevale    4.05.16
6.Colm Rooney  Clonliffe Harriers   4.05.30
7.Daire Bermingham  Raheny Shamrocks   4.08.17
8.Stephen Scullion  North Belfast Harriers  4.09.57
9.Fintan McGee  Lucan     4.10.10
10.John Coughlan  MSB     4.13.08
11.Feidhlim Kelly  Raheny Shamrocks   4.18.17


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