West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Michael Tutty gets the “Mechanics” right to claim Kiely Monumental Colligan Cup.



The 20th Annual Kiely Monumental Colligan Cup was held last Sunday, Along with the huge turn out of runners the weather also played a major role in the huge success of the day with The Colligan wood and river looking it’s very best for the large attendance of runners and spectators alike. The Juvenile event organised by our Juvenile club got under way at 1 pm while the senior race started at 2 pm. Both the senior and the Juvenile events were ran in the traditional Colligan handicap system, which was devised by Victor Mullins 20 years ago and is still in use to this day. In the senior event the organisers and sponsor David Kiely of Kiely Monumental were delighted to see that a record entry of 185 participants took part this year, the 20th year of the event and still the number’s increase.
One feature of last Sundays race was the big number of runners who were too fast on the day, running faster that their predicted time this total was 109 which is by far the largest number in the history of the race, With such a big field of runners married with such a good day weather wise, times were much faster than predicted, However one man wasn’t carried away with the above mentioned and stuck to his task wisely getting the “Mechanics” of the event just right, When Abbeyside’s Michael Tutty was plucked from the field to be declared the victor for 2008.The saying comes to mind “if at first you don’t succeed  try and try again”. Michael was so unlucky not to have won the event last year when he finished 2nd just one second outside his predicted time and that’s as close as you can get with out actually winning, well this year he got it very right, indeed right down to the split second which saw him clinch that much sought after Colligan Cup win. A more popular winner the race could not have as was evident by the congratulations bestowed on Michael by all in sundry after the winner was announced. Michael a hard working committee member and the clubs registrar is always involved in all aspects of the club’s daily activities and he will cherish this achievement and will like the other 19 winner’s before him go down in the Annals of the Kiely Monumental Colligan cup race history.
In Second place was Diane Behan also West Waterford, Diane was just outside winning the overall all cup and shield which is presented to the first Lady each year, In 2002 Ann Cronin of Carrick was and still is the only Lady to have achieved this feat when she finished 1st overall wining both the shield and cup on the same day. However Diane will be pleased with having finished 2nd and in the same breath Winning the Ladies Shield for the very first time. Third overall was Tony Hamilton of An Gaeltacht again Tony was just 2 second outside the winning time. Tony was aptly given number 1 in the race registration and he duly almost came number 1 in the race itself, next year Tony next year.? Also just 2 second out was visiting runner Conor Shovlin and he almost got a rewarding Sunday afternoon on his visit to Colligan woods. The fifth person on the right side of the clock was Billy Coleman just 3 seconds out, close one Billy, but its back to the drawing board for next year, Maybe have a word with Michael Tutty.Vincent O’Donovan was our next finisher when the Modeligo man was just 4 seconds out, One of our head stewards on the club’s league nights this was Vincent’s best finishing place to date in The Colligan Cup. 
For those who were so close on the right side of the clock there were as many close to winning on the wrong side of the clock or faster that their predicted time. That man again Tony Shalloe a mere 1 second away from becoming the only person to win the cup twice. Tony is without doubt the most consistent runner in the Colligan cup bar non and has been so close not alone last Sunday but on many previous occasions also to taking his second cup victory adding to that famous victory he had in 2003,But if anyone is capable of doing this Tony is your man so role on next year. There were a total of three runners just 1 second too fast last Sunday along with Tony we had Brian Mooney and Laurence Martin both also just 1 second out, Eoin O’Riordan, Marian Keane and Martin Mullarkey were also in the thick of it just finishing too fast on the day. Despite the disappointment felt by these and by many more, hopefully we all will agree it was a great day’s running and it’s a most enjoyable event. So its back to the drawing board for most of us and the dream of maybe getting it right next year.


Last year we had to go to the 10th finishing position to record the Ladies winner of the Colligan Shield but last Sunday the Ladies winner was right in the shake up for overall glory, West Waterford’s Diane Behan was so close to taking the overall Cup as well as the shield when she finished a close second place just 1 second outside her predicted time, non the less Diane one of the clubs leading Female athletes will be pleased with taking the coveted Ladies title back home to Portlaw.
Waterford’s Mary Burke a great supporter of all our races in West Waterford was also very close when she finished 2nd to Diane and just 6 second off the overall win, Third last year and third again this year now that is also some feat, Brigid Coffey pulled off this when she finished 3rd again in the shield last Sunday, again getting closer getting closer, Anita Lyons is trying to match her two brothers who have previously won the Colligan cup and she came damn close last Sunday when finishing 4th in the shield event watch your back boys the sis is on your case. Our 5th Lady was Martina Ryan just 1 second behind Anita, Its great to see such a influx of new Ladies running the Colligan cup this year well done to all.


A large number 63 took part in the 2 km run for Juveniles last Sunday in Colligan.We often heard the phrase To keep the title at home, Well this is exactly what our winner did last Sunday as he was the only athlete afforded the luxury of being able to walk the short distance from his home to the race start. Young Aaron Whelan Colligan came out on top and to be honest it was only a matter of time before someone from this household was going to win this race, (that’s leaving out the parents chances in the Senior race of course) Aaron and his brother Gavin have been so close to taking the title on many occasion even last year Gavin finished 3rd and this year’s winner Aaron was 4th the year before that so it was really only a matter of time before one of the two got it spot on and young Aaron did just that last Sunday, In second place and just a second off the mark was Ciarán 0’Maoileoin,third was Brian Hallissey fourth Adam Dunford and fifth went to Elma Nugent. Well done to all the young runners who participated in the event and thanks to the West Waterford Juvenile committee for organising the Juvenile race. The success of this race and the huge growth since its foundation all those years ago is in no small way due to our great sponsor David Kiely and family of Kiely Monumental works. For his kind sponsorship over all those years, a big thank you. David as ever was with us to present the winners with their prizes on the day a gesture much appreciated. Thanks also to the management and staff of Minnies Bar Abbeyside, where the presentation of prizes took place. To the numerous people who looked after the entries, results, timing etc. Thank’s to Ann Dunford for looking after the prizes for the race. Thanks also to Denise and Megan on entries, results etc. Thanks to Victor Mullins for all his work on the day. Tony and Michael on van duty and Conor and Jamie on finishing tunnel etc. To Nick Sheehan and Br Patrick for their stewarding.
To Ger Wyley of Wyley Sports and Footwear for again sponsoring a pair of Nike for the raffle among all participants, this years winner of the runners was Ron Fawkes well done to Ron no doubt they will be put to good use. To road racing co-ordinator Gerry Cantwell and his team. Finally our thanks in a special way to Coillte for their co-operation with the use of Colligan Wood for the event.

After the many months of planning the time has finally arrived for what promises to be a day to remember in the town of Dungarvan as one of the countries largest 10 mile road races organised by local club West Waterford Athletic Club hits the streets and country side of the famed old Boro. All is in readiness and hopefully the weather will now play its part too showing the many visitors our town looking its very best and of course also give us a good day for running. Along with the financial support from our new sponsors Dunphys Vivas Health Dungarvan and the promotional work put in by the race committee we will see a huge influx of athletes descend on the town for the weekend with many staying over night on the Saturday night, It is expected that all eating houses, Hotels, bed and breakfasts etc will benefit from the event as the travelling runners from near and far which include entries from England and Amsterdam making the trip to the Dungarvan for what promises to be an occasion of immense importance not alone for West Waterford AC but for the town of Dungarvan,With this in mind ask the people of the town to get behind  this event and come along to support the clubs efforts in promoting our beautiful town with so many visitors expected on the day, The race itself is race number two in this year’s Michael Roche Carpets sponsored Spring Series of Road Races which got off to the proverbial flyer with last Sunday’s Colligan Cup event, Next Sundays race is also race two in the John Buckley Munster spring classics series which is a very important and popular series down this side of the country, Both these two long established running series in their own right will attract a large number of runners to Sundays blue ribbon event and we thank both sets of sponsors for their contribution to the local running scene. As we go to press over 400 pre entries have been received for the race Sunday next with between 200 and 300 more expected to enter on the day, It’s encouraging to see how the numbers participating in this race have grown. Last year we saw an unprecedented field of 515 finishers. Two years ago we had 427 runners in this event, three years ago it was 310 and under 200 was our usual turn out for many years prior to that, On Sunday with the expected field of athletes mentioned above and in partnership with our new sponsor Dunphys Vivas Health this race will certainly continue to grow from strength to strength in the years ahead. And its West Waterford AC’s intention that this race will become the Mecca of 10-mile road races in the country with a big overseas involvement in the years ahead.
The course will be the same as has been used now this past couple of years and it is considered to be one of the fastest, flattest 10 mile course in the country, Indeed it is now renowned for the many personal best times recorded since its introduction four years ago. As we said it’s a fast course and with the right conditions once again on Sunday and a top field of athletes assembled it will produce some more very fast times, There would also of course be the possibility of new course records. The Men’s is held by our own Sandis Bralitis West Waterford AC 50.08 and the Ladies by Sligo’s Lucy Brennan 58.42.A bonus of 250 Euro’s is on offer to the first athletes to break either of these course records on top of a very substantial prize fund covering a huge array of categories. Through the generosity of our sponsor’s Dunphys Vivas Health the organisers are delighted to announce that the main prizes on the day will be cash with both winners of the men’s and Ladies race’s receiving 250 euro each which we hope will be an incentive for the countries top road runners to attend. The race will cater for all the usual Masters categories and teams also. All participants will also receive the now famous Dungarvan 10 goody bag and a race T-Shirt will presented to all entrants, This year also the organisers along with the goody bag and T shirt offering will also presented every finisher with a very special Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 finishers gift never presented at a race in these shores before and we thing that all recipients will be pleased with their Dungarvan 10 keepsake. Plenty of Spot prizes will be raffled among all non-prize-winners also, so all in all both elite and fun runners alike are more that catered for on the day, as has always been the West Waterford Athletic Club ethos.


We have by kind permission the use of Dungarvan Crystal Sports Centre and Dungarvan United Football Club pavilion for changing and registration of which we are grateful for it. As mentioned all registration weather your pre-entered or entering on the day will take place at the Soccer club pavilion. This year we are trying a new system for changing and showering arrangements, We will use the Soccer club for men only and we will use the Crystal Centre for Ladies only this we hope will give both genders plenty of room and make for more comfortable changing for both, toilets will be available at both venues plus we will have 6 honey pots available outside for the runners use also. We appeal to all runners to park at Dungarvan Crystal factory car park off the Spring round about on the N25 as parking will be strictly prohibited around both changing and registration areas. We also urge local athletes if at all possible to leave the car at home or at least to try and park well away from the Kilrush area.
Tea and sandwiches after the race will be served at Dungarvan Soccer club where the presentation of prizes will also be held. All stewards are asked to please come along as early as possible to the center and to contact Tony Ryan steward coordinator for the race on your arrival. We hope to see all local runners participating on Sunday but if for whatever reason you are not running you might be available to come along and give a hand with stewarding the course or making a few sandwiches. All help greatly appreciated.


Local Dungarvan crafts man Mac Riordan was commissioned some time ago by the race committee to design and produce a trophy for the Dungarvan 10 race. The only request was that he would design something that would reflect the town of Dungarvan.Something that would reflect the great tradition of running in the town. His returned article can only be described as a master piece by a master crafts man-made from wood and metal the piece depicts a runner as he run’s over the causeway towards the town bridge with of course that other great Dungarvan land mark, Bridge House in the back round, The finished article is indeed a fitting sculpture for such a high profile event, We thank Mac for his many hours of dedicated work on the piece it is certainly a trophy which will stand the test of time and the recipient each year will now have his or her name inscribed annually on the trophy.

Previous overall winners of this race are as follows:
1992 Robert Costello (Limerick)
1993 Noel Richardson (Donore Hrs)
1994 Jimmy Mulligan (Waterford)
1995 James Sullivan (Waterford)
1996 Michael Hassett (Tipperary)
1997 Cormac Finnerty (Mullingar Hrs)
1998 Peter Duggan St Joseph’s (Kilkenny)
1999 John Kearney (East Cork)
2000 John Kearney (East Cork)
2001 Peter Duggan St. Joseph’s (Kilkenny)
2002 Paul Deegan D.S.D. (Dublin)
2003 Philip Harty (K.C.K.)
2004 George Murray (North Cork)
2005 Sandis Bralitis (Ballynonty)
2006 Sandis Bralitis ( West Waterford AC ) 50.08 course record.
2007 Sandis Bralitis (West Waterford AC )


The 16th Annual Michael Roche Carpets spring series got under way with the Kiely monumental Colligan Cup last Sunday. This series has something to suit runners of every standard. As in previous years, the series will cater for regular runners and beginners with prizes on offer for all levels of competitors. Entry to this year’s series is set at €5.and you can enter again next Sunday at the Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10. Once again West Waterford Athletic Club thank Michael and Bridget for their continued support to the club by sponsoring this series which is now in its 16th year.

RACE 2. –Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 Sunday February 3rd  at 1pm.
RACE 3. –4th  Annual Bosch and Lomb Kilmacthomas 5 Sunday 24th February at 11am.
RACE 4. –26th Annual Eason’s Dungarvan 10 k Sunday March 02nd at 2pm.
Divisions will be set up and prizes will be awarded at the final race on March 02nd .Your best three results from the four races count.


Our final opportunity to pre enter for this Sundays Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 will be tonight Wednesday at the All Rounder Sports winter league. Denise Regan will be available to take your entry forms and the entry fee of 15 Euro. You can also register on Sunday but the entry fee will be 20 Euro.



Round 11 of the Winter League was full of trepidation and excitement as many were banking on an accurately paced run to remain in contention. We said that things were going to be spiced up a little and we definitely delivered on this occasion. Bríd Breathnach was the sole individual to predict her time to perfection and won 50 bonus points in to the bargain. Others to claim the highly coveted bonus points were Brendan Kent who was a mere 3 seconds behind Bríd, Eoin O’ Brien, P.J Curran and Andrea Gaffney. For their efforts, these five lucky individuals will have points taken from their present score and as it is lowest points that’s best, these people are well on the way to a great overall winter league. It was from the Causeway Bridge onwards that the runners began to bunch together and from the lookout towards Booreenatrá to the finishing line, each runner was thinking along the same lines, “ Will I stay going at this pace or will I speed it up bit, if I push on from here I could be the winner or I could be too fast, will I stay running beside Mary here because she’s in the same division as me or will I tail John who’s known for his pacing and it might get me to the top of my division?” Decisions, decisions!! Well done to Bríd Breathnach who got it spot on. A decisive move by Tom Scanlon at the bend towards the finishing line meant that Tom was only 6 seconds slower than his predicted time and earned him 6 points towards his overall score. This tactical move has propelled Tom to the number one spot in the 6 mile league and has also given him a 51 point lead over Darren Healy, now in second place after leading for so long. But all is not lost, the overall winner is still anyone’s guess. Both Earl Navin and Darren Healy were misfortunate as they were just 6 and 5 seconds too fast. Earl has moved down a division as has Alan Hickey and Jason Dee. John-Joe Henley, Alice Fitzgerald and Liam Kavanagh are now in division one and along with everyone else in division one, two and all the other divisions will have to battle it out to become winter league champion for 2008. There are four nights left of the winter league and anything can happen in those four nights and this league is certainly there for the taking by anyone, from any division.


Mark Cliffe was right on target last week for round 11 of the winter league. From a total of 83 runners in the 3 mile route, 69 were slower than predicted, 13 were faster than they thought they would be and it was Mark Cliffe, the one and only of the lot to accurately predict his time for the route. Mark earned -50 points and is now leading his division. Well-done Mark. The other four runners to earn bonus points for their accurate pacing were Andrea O’ Neill, Yevgeniy Chizhikov, Carolyn Byrne and David Regan. All five had points subtracted from their total and for some, they are heading into week 12 of the league with a lower score than week 11. One of these is Carolyn Byrne, who has been the overall leader with a number of weeks. Carolyn had 390 points going in to week 11 but now has only 370 points. Interestingly enough, while the divisions changed in the 6-mile they remained the same in the 3-mile. The same five runners remain in division one, although the positioning has changed. Carolyn remains in the lead but Cyril Flavin has now moved up to second place, previously held by Mark Radley who is now in third place. Geoff Bullen and Alan Curran continue to hold onto fourth and fifth place respectively although the gap has widened ever so slightly. As in the 6 mile, there is no clear-cut winner as yet in the 3-mile. With four nights remaining, there are all sorts of possibilities that could happen. Each person’s position within a division not only hinges on your own performance but also on the performance of everybody in your division and in the league. We can only wait and see what the eventual outcome will be.
We will be back to the normal handicap times tonight and no doubt it will be fast and furious with everyone trying to get to that finishing line and beat their previous best.


The articles for our club Annual are starting to come in, but there is still plenty of space for your piece. This Annual will be the clubs 4th and the content is looking very impressive already. We are still asking anyone out there who would be interested in writing a piece to please do so over the next week or so as our final cut off date nears. Any article on club life or basically anything to do with running would be a welcome addition to our planned publication. We especially appeal to any Juvenile athletes to have a go at writing an article as in previous years some of the best pieces were written by Juvenile club members. You can E Mail your finished masterpiece to the club E Mail Address, jveale@cablesurf.com or if hand written drop it in to James at Ger Wyley Sports.


The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare. Michael Tutty


All at the club extend congratulations to popular club members Vincent “ Bo Bo “ Tutty and Charmaine O’Brien Tutty on the wonderful occasion of the birth of their three sons last week. We extend wishes for health and happiness to all the family. The relay team is now almost complete.


Congratulations to local athlete Mark Bannon who won the Long Jump event at the Irish Army championships last week. Mark also finished 2nd in the 200 meters. Well done on your achievement.


Jim Fleming was in the countries capital last Sunday running the Raheny 5 miler. Jim ran well recording a time of 30.46 in the large field.


Albert and Jacinta and crew have decided on Budapest for this year Marathon trip which is on Sunday 5th October, 2008.Also on the day if you don’t fancy the full trip is the 3 or 5 person relay event which should be appealing to some. The flight is leaving Dublin on Friday 3/10/08 at 3.15 p.m.returning on Monday or Tuesday 6(7)/10/08 – 8.15 p.m.
3 or 4 nights. Flights are limited so names must be in ASAP. To Court Travel or Jacinta Sheil or Albert McGrath.


West Waterford had a small contingent of athletes taking part in the National indoors in Belfast over last weekend. Alan O’Brien was in great form when running the 8th fastest time over 800 meters clocking a very good 1.55.38.In the Senior Men’s 5k walk Beijing bound Jamie Costin won silver in a time of 20.56.49 behind winner Robert Heffernan who is also on his way to Beijing. Liam Houlihan took a bronze in the Pole Vault, while brother Thomas finished 8th.Well done to all concerned.

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