West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Kiely Monumental cup this Sunday


It hardly feels like 20 years since Ardmore Primary School principle Victor Mullins conceived the idea of the handicap system for the Colligan cup run. Well it is all of that and how time fly’s by when your having fun. The system Victor devised is a simple system (that’s why no one else ever thought of it) which is now not alone used frequently by our own club but is used the length and breath of the country and beyond for many club races and events. What makes the handicap system so appealing is the fact that every runner taking part has exactly the same chance of winning as the next runner. Weather you’re a supreme athlete, a good club runner, a Jogger or a slogger you’ll have exactly the same chance of taking the laurels. Victor who was an athlete of note some years ago when competing with the famed Cork outfit Leevale AC, has left a legacy in the sport with his running handicap system which has stood the test of time and has not changed one iota over that 20 year’s. Victor also comes along each year to help with the Colligan cup event and is the one who has the arduous task of picking the winner. So for those and there’s not too many at this stage that don’t know how the system works. This is it.
The run begins when the clock starts with the time of the slowest predicted runner’s
Time, say 55 minutes. As the clock counts backwards down to zero every runner begins when his or her predicted time shows up on the clock. The runner with the fastest predicted time will be the last runner to start the race. The winner of the Colligan Cup is the runner who is the first person to cross the finish line after the clock reaches zero-it is that simple. All you have to do is get your prediction right. Remember, no watches allowed.
So if you would like to become part of athletics’ history and have your name inscribed on the now famous Colligan plaque which was erected in the wood some years ago by the race sponsor David Kiely of Kiely Monumental come along as Colligan Wood will be a hive of activity this Sunday January 27th by kind permission of Coillte, for the 20th Annual Colligan Cup with races for Adults and Juveniles. The five-mile adult run will start at 2 pm and it will be preceded by the Juvenile event over a distance of 2 km at 1 pm.
The Colligan cup this year is the first race of the four race Michael Roche Carpets Spring Series, please note you can enter this series when registering for the Colligan cup on Sunday with the entry fee set at 5 Euro. There are three more races to follow in the series the Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 on Sunday February 3rd at 1 PM.The Bausch and Lomb Kilmacthomas 5 on Sunday February 24th with a starting time of 11 AM and the final race in the series The Eason’s Dungarvan 10k on Sunday March 02nd at 2 PM. We urge all going to Colligan on Sunday to please allow plenty of time as parking will be restricted on the road to one side. Please do not park where your car might obstruct the flow of traffic or interfere with the runners.
This is a great family event with something for everyone. The Colligan cup it self will be awarded to the winner of the senior race, while the Shield will be awarded to the first Lady finisher. Likewise the Juvenile Shield will be presented to the Juvenile winner. Remember you could be the winner of this race. You don’t have to be the fastest runner in the whole world and this is what makes the event so unique The Junior race is organized by the club’s Juvenile section over one lap of the Colligan circuit and it gets under way at 1pm Sharp and this too is a guess your time handicap event. All are welcome to participate.


The Colligan Cup has been sponsored by David Kiely Monumental Works since 1993 and West Waterford Athletic Club is very grateful to the Kiely family for their continued support of this great unique event. Our thanks also to Ger Wyley who has sponsored a pair of running shoes every year to be raffled among all the participants in the adult race. The entry fee to Sunday’s adult race is €8 or €12 if you are also entering for the Michael Roche Carpets spring series.


A reminder to all that the Michael Roche Carpets sponsored Spring Series also kicks off this Sunday at the Colligan cup, Entry fee is 5 Euro. Please note your best three from the four-race programme will count in the overall standings. You can enter this series when entering the Colligan Cup.


The Kiely Monumental Colligan cup role of honour is listed below, In the 20 year history of the event no runner has won the cup twice, however two sets of brothers have won it John Lyons 1995 and his brother Colin in 1997 likewise Ray Dwyer won in 2001 and his brother Michael was the victor in 2004,just two Ladies have won with Kathleen O’Connell Midleton in 1998 becoming the first Lady to ever win the event and she was also the first person to take the Colligan cup outside of the locality and Ann Cronin Carrick was the only other Lady winner in 2002.There has been a big geographical spread of previous winners, with the Colligan cup having rested for 12 months in places like Lismore, Dungarvan, Ring, Abbeyside, Helvick, Kilmurray,Carrick,Midleton,and Waterford City to mention a few, where will the next winner come from, Sunday will reveal this, come along and find out. Or better still come along and run and it could even be you or bring a friend maybe he or she could win it. Unlike the main event the Colligan shield was introduced to the event in 1994 and is awarded to the Lady who is nearest to her predicted time this has been won twice by no less than three runners, Paula Keohan had back to back wins in 1995 and 1996 and she will be in the field come Sunday as Paula is back in her native Dungarvan after some time travelling around the world, could she make real Colligan history by taking a third title, And two other Ladies could match this feat as Kathleen O’Connell of Midleton has also won the title twice 1998 and 2003,and one other Female runner has won twice Ann Cronin of Carrick 2000 and 2002.In the Juvenile shield event only one runner has the distinction of winning twice when The Brickey’s Rosemary Curran took the Juvenile shield in 1996 and 1998.I wonder which one of the previous Juvenile winner’s of the past will go on and have their name inscribed on the Colligan cup itself, now that would be an achievement. Only one way to do it and its not sitting at home Sunday now is it. See you on the bridge. 


1989 Willie Henry.
1990 Nicky Sheehan.
1991 Richie Moore.
1992 Martin Geoghegan.
1993 Liam Rossiter.
1994 Gerry Cantwell.
1995 John Lyons.
1996 Tom Meehan.
1997 Colin Lyons.
1998 Kathleen O’Connell.
1999 Tom Fitzgerald.
2000 John Whelan.
2001.Ray Dwyer.
2002 Ann Cronin.
2003 Tony Shalloe.
2004 Michael Dwyer.
2005 Mark Langford
2006 Brian Collins
2007 Maurice Boland


1994-Monica Power.
1995 Paula Keohan.
1996 Paula Keohan.
1997 Frankie Devlin.
1998 Kathleen O’ Connell.
1999 June Twomey.
2000 Ann Cronin.
2001 Martina Budds.
2002 Ann Cronin.
2003 Kathleen O Connell.
2004 Helene Hayes.
2005 Annette Long.
2006 Josie Uí Chuirrin
2007 Catriona Mulcahy


1993 Alan Moore.
1994 Darren Harty.
1995 Ronan Dennehy.
1996 Rosemarie Curran.
1997 Dervla O’ Connor.
1998 Rosemarie Curran.
1999 Brian Kelleher.
2000 David Buckley.
2001 Natasha Behan.
2002 Mary Ryan.
2003 Lorraine McCarthy.
2004 Sarah Flavin.
2005 Michelle Norris.
2006 Lughaid 0’Mahony
2007 Rachel French


Time is “running” out for those interested in pre registering for the up coming Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 mile road race on Sunday week next February 3rd at 1 PM.Entry forms can be had from Ger Wyley Sports-All rounder Sports or you can enter at the Winter league tonight or you can down load the entry form from our club web site www.westwaterfordathletics.org Its 15 Euro to pre register and 20 Euro to enter if you leave it until the day of the race. All postal entries can be sent to Denise Regan, Ballinamuck, Dungarvan Co. Waterford. We make a final appeal to all local runners to get your entry to Denise on or before Wednesday night at the Winter league, The race as well as being the second race in the Michael Roche carpets spring series is also race number two in the John Buckley Sports sponsored Munster 10 mile classic series. All finishers of the Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 will receive the now famous West Waterford AC goody bag, plus this year for the first time a quality T-Shirt will be awarded to all entrants and a very special never seen before finishers award will be presented to all finishers of the race, shower facilities will be available at the Crystal sports center for Women and the Dungarvan Soccer club pavilion for the men, All race entries will be collected at The Dungarvan Soccer club pavilion also, Presentation of prizes will take place at the Dungarvan Soccer Club by kind permission, where teas and sandwiches will be provided. The course used for this race taking in the Canal circuit is regarded as one of the fastest 10-mile courses in the country. If it’s your first attempt at a 10 miler or if personal bests are your goal this race is the one for you, over a fast course at the classic 10-mile distance. The event organisers were delighted some time ago to announce a brand new sponsor of the event in the guise of Dunphy Vivas Health in Dungarvan and West Waterford are indeed delighted and thankful to Dunphys for coming on board to led their financial support for the event and we thank them for doing so, with this in mind we must not let the opportunity go without thanking Waterford Crystal who for 15 years sponsored this race up until the untimely closure of the factory in Dungarvan, non the less their support was welcome over those years. This year’s race will see substantial cash prizes for the top runners with the first Lady and Man getting 250 Euro each plus 250 to the first athlete to break either course record, second in both codes receiving 150 Euro with third getting 100 each. There is a huge array of prizes on offer in all categories and all is now set for what will be the biggest 10 mile road race ever held in Co. Waterford.


The upcoming Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 is quickly becoming the clubs top-billing event and is about to grown into an event of huge proportions with well over 600 runners expected on Sunday week February 3rd. If you are not taking part in this race the club could do with your help on the day, We appeal to anyone not participating on the day if they could come along for a couple of hours it would be much appreciated. We will also be looking for people to make a few sandwiches if anyone could help with this matter it would also be much appreciated another huge undertaking for this event is stewarding the course for the race if your available for this Tony Ryan is the man to contact, again a.s.a.p. 



Another fine run by Darren Healy in round ten of the winter league has helped him to maintain his position as overall leader of the 6-mile divisions. It is always this close to the end that the league and the divisions take shape and to say that there are some exciting times ahead is an understatement. Currently, Darren has 20 points to spare over Tom Scanlon. Tom’s performance last week propelled him up to second place and Tom is also 20 points ahead of the third placed Jason Dee. All three will also have to keep a watchful eye on Earl Navin and the ever-improving Alan Hickey as both are running better than ever and will be as determined as everyone else in the divisions.
The fine weather last week was without a doubt a major factor in the running performances of many in the league. The feeling down at the Sports Centre on any fairly decent Wednesday night is to give it a lash and this many certainly did as it was smiles all round passing the finishing clock. Liam Power clocked 43.59 and will be well chuffed with his performance. Philip Harty is making a fantastic comeback and his training over the last few weeks is certainly evident in his times. Philip recorded 37.07 for the distance and we will see further improvement before long, guaranteed. Dixie Deegan is another athlete enjoying a very fruitful running season at the moment and his consistent training is paying dividends in the league. Brendan Kent just dipped below 48 minutes for the route and on the other side of 48 we had Donagh Cummins (48.06), Michelle Durand (48.25) and Carmel Corcoran (48.49). Noel Quinn will be looking to beat 47 for round 11 as he ended up with a time of 47.04 for round ten. Nicola McKenna is also very close to beating 53 minutes being just 6 seconds outside of this last week. Marian Keane and Ann Wright recorded 51.22 each and are edging closer and closer to 51 minutes every night, tonight could be yeir night girls. A total of 94 participated in the 6-mile route for round ten. A reminder to you all- in order to feature in the leagues, you must run at least ten nights.


For round ten of the winter league, it was Sharon O’ Shea that led the field home and she did so in a time of 20.16. There were many great performances on the night and as a result the divisions are now closer than ever. Mark Radley has narrowed the gap and is now second place behind Carolyn Byrne who is still the overall leader for the 3 mile route. Mark will have to pull out all the stops tonight to shake off Cyril Flavin as both of them are on even pegging, 317 points each. Well done to newcomers Anna Landers and Helen Fraher, both of whom will be well pleased with their very first performance of the winter league, clocking 27 minutes each. Leisa Fleming pulled out all the stops and was successful in running under 23 minutes, recording 22.59. Seamus Manahan had just 2 seconds to spare in his bid to break 20 minutes for the route. On the other side of 20 minutes there was David Regan and Martin Quinlan, clocking 20.02 and 20.03 respectively. Not too far behind was Stephen Greene who will be well pleased with his time of 20.35. Marie O’ Donovan will have her sights set on beating 24 minutes, having ran 24.06 last week. She will be joined by John Hanlon who ran very comfortably last week and was well under 24 minutes. Gretta Whyte was another runner to have a fine run and will be well under 26 minutes before the end of the league. Mark Cliffe is experiencing a great spell at the minute and finished with a fine time of 16.50 last week. Gemma Tobin is also running really well at the moment and will be looking to break 17.30 in the not too distant future. A total of 84 runners took part on the night and we look forward to having more newcomers tonight.


We’re spicing things up yet again for tonight’s stage of the Winter League. Instead of the usual handicap times, people will begin their run at whatever time they think they will run the route in.
The clock will begin at 60.00 and will work in reverse. There is only one clock so the same clock is in use for both the long route and the short route. When the cock begins at 60.00, it is also 30.00 for the 3-mile route. When the clock is at 58 minutes, it is also 28 minutes for the 3 milers. It is up to each person to keep a watchful eye on the clock and to begin their run when their own predicted time appears on the clock. This stage is crucial so close to the end of the league. Nobody wants to cross the finishing line before the clock reaches 00.00 as to do so means penalty points. We are all trying to cross that line just after the clock reaches 00.00 as this means bonus points and it could very well put someone in the driving seat to become winter league champion. As watches are not allowed, tonight’s run will be very interesting indeed. It will also help with our pacing for the official “Colligan Cup” run which is held on Sunday, January 27 in Colligan Wood. The very best of luck to everybody tonight and remember no votches and votch your pace!!


Congratulations to club member Earl Navin and his wife on the birth of their baby son Óisín last week. Health and happiness to all.


The articles for our club Annual are starting to come in, but there is still plenty of space for your piece. This Annual will be the clubs 5th and it is starting to take shape, the content is looking very impressive already. We are still asking anyone out there who would be interested in writing a piece to please do so over the next week or so as our final cut off date nears. Any article on club life or basically anything to do with running would be a welcome addition to our planned publication. We especially appeal to any Juvenile athletes to have a go at writing an article as in previous years some of the best pieces were written by Juvenile club members. You can E Mail your finished masterpiece to the club E Mail Address, jveale@cablesurf.com


You must do the thing, which you think you cannot do. Catriona O’Brien.


Mullingar’s Martin Fagan yesterday battled through the pain barrier in the Dubai Marathon to achieve his target of an Olympic qualifying standard for Beijing. Fagan, finished in 2 hours 14 minutes 06 seconds, comfortably inside the Olympic A qualifying standard of 2.15.The weather in Dubai was perfect for marathoners with temperatures down to 11C, rising to just 14C at the finish, with little wind. World marathon record holder holder Haile Gebrselassie ran the second fastest marathon in history, 2.04.53 to win the men’s race, but a suicidal early pace by his Ethiopian pacemakers ruined any chance he had of breaking his own world record of 2.04.06, set in Berlin only three months ago.This was an extraordinary battling performance by 24 year old Martin Fagan who, up to half-way, was on course for an even faster finishing time. “I was with the chasing group and I was feeling good at half –way,”Fagan said. “I had written my projected time splits on my hand and I had expected that there would be time clocks at certain points on the course and so I was not wearing a watch. However, there were no clocks on the course and I found that a bit difficult.”Fagan then faced a much bigger problem between 25 and 35 kilometres as a troublesome hip injury flared up. “I was in agony for over ten kilometres and I had to stop and stretch a number of times so that I could get just a little bit of relief from the pain,” he said.“I had been having a few problems in recent times with my back and hip, but I never experienced anything like the pain I had at that critical point of the race. However, I fought on and it was a huge relief to finish inside the Olympic Qualifying standard. That was my target and I was determined to make it.”Fagan finished in much distress and was immediately taken away for medical examination. “The doctor said that I may have a stress fracture of my hip, but I am hoping that he is wrong, “Fagan said. “It was worth all the pain and discomfort to have made the Olympic qualifying standard. The conditions were good and it was a tough but very worthwhile experience..Fagan’s can now be confident of making the Irish track and field team for Beijing- the first time since 1992 that Ireland will have a representative in the Olympic Marathon. The Barcelona Olympics of 1992 saw three Irish runners in the marathon-John Treacy, Andy Ronan and Tommy Hughes.The Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon was Fagan’s second choice in his race for an Olympic qualifying standard. Fagan had hoped to run in the Houston marathon earlier this month, before he encountered visa difficulties which denied him re-entry to America. Ireland’s latest Olympic qualifier is now hoping that his US visa problem will soon be sorted out and that he will be able to complete some of his Olympic training preparations at his U.S training base where his coach resides.


Competing for the first time in the Masters Multi events All Irelands last weekend in Nenagh West Waterford’s Joe Gough took the nationals by storm winning gold in the Mens over 50 section.The multi events covers four disiplins 60 meters.1.000 meters shot and Long Jump.Joe finished on a tally of 1.713 points to take his very first Multi events title,Niall Egan of Sligo AC was second with 1.327 points and he was the former title holder over 50.Galways AC’s Pat Butler was third with 1.300 points.Joe was 1st in the 1.000 meters he was given joint 1st in the 60 Meters ,3rd in the Shot and 2nd in the Long Jump.Joe will next compete at the London Masters Indoor games on Februery 9th next in either the 400 or 800 meters.He then returnes home for the All Ireland’s in Nenagh on Saturday 16th February and then its off again with club mate Brendan Moran back to London for the English Masters on February 23 and 24th.Busy times ahead indeed.Also competing from the club in Nenagh was Eibhlis Ní hAodha in the open Ladies Multi event’s and here Eibhlis was unlucky when finishing 4th just outside the medals.well don’t to both athleets. 


MARATHON – BUDAPEST 5th October, 2008.

42 km.-  30 km. – Relay (3 or 5 persons).
Leaving Dublin – Friday 3/10/08  – 3.15 p.m.
Leaving Budapest – Monday/Tuesday 6(7)/10/08 – 8.15 p.m.
3-4 nights.
Flights are limited so names must be in ASAP.
Names can be given to Court Travel or Jacinta Sheil
or Albert McGrath.

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