West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Gold for Junior Men at Munster cross country




Clean Sweep for Waterford Athletes at Munster Junior Championships at Farranfore, Co. Kerry, That was this newspaper’s heading on Sunday 13th January 1974 when the scribes piece recalled a glorious chapter in Waterford athletics history was written when John Treacy, (West Waterford A.C.) and Waterford made a clean sweep of the Munster Junior Cross-Country Titles. John Treacy won in very heavy going the report read and he was followed home by Gerry Deegan (De La Salle A.C.) and Ray Treacy (Leevale A.C.) leading Waterford to the inter county title beating Cork by 6 points. Their other scoring members were Pat Byrne (Waterford A.C) 8th Tony Shalloe (West Waterford) 10th and Michael Casey (Bally A.C.) 14th.Also on that day in that same race West Waterford AC won the Club title by 4 points from a very fancied Leevale A.C.team with the scoring four runners John Treacy, Tony Shalloe, Michael Casey and Tony Ryan.
Thirty four years later to the day that historical West Waterford club win has been repeated when last Sunday in Cashel Co Tipperary the new generation West Waterford AC took a very deserving club team title and also had three members on the Waterford county team who took gold. Indeed it was also a very satisfying day for the above mentioned Tony Shalloe and Tony Ryan as both were panicle in last Sunday’s team win. Both Men have given a life time to the sport as athletes and now through their involvement at club level, Tony Shalloe is now one of the clubs Juvenile trainer’s and is coach to both the Men’s and Ladies Junior teams who took part last Sunday with much success. And Tony Ryan is the senior club chairman and the clubs cross-country coordinator. They were two very happy campers returning to Dungarvan last Sunday evening I can assure you. So who were heroes who repeated club history on a very muddy and tough course last Sunday which was similar to the conditions witnessed in 1974 in Kerry when almost half the field failed to complete the course on that day, However the West Waterford team last Sunday were never in any danger of failing to finish and all six gave of their best which on the day proved to be the best. Rory Moloney put in a huge performance when finishing 5th and is now knocking on the door for individual honours at this level, hot on Rory’s heels was team mate Mark Shalloe 6th he can now proudly hang his gold Munster Club team medal along side his fathers one of 34 years ago, (bet you don’t know where it is Tony). Running his best ever cross country race in this scribes book young Joe Conway 8th,really stepped up to the mark last Sunday and never stopped battling all the way around the course a deserving Munster medal for Joe who is a terrific inspiration to all at training for his dedication. As we know your 4th scoring member is a important a team member as your 1st and finishing in 13th place was Brian Hallissey.Brian proved once again that he is a real team runner and can be counted on to give 100% for his club again a well deserved Junior medal for Brian. This gave our club victory with a total of 32 points. Two young guns were also part and parcel of last Sunday success when being blooded for the first time at Junior level, Youngsters Lughaidh 0’Mahony and Darragh O’Riordan both running their very first Munster Junior cross country event which would be double their normal race distance. Both boys covered the distance with ease and are names to watch for future years. Rory, Mark and Joe were scoring members of the Waterford country team who won gold also along with three Ferrybank athletes. Tipperary were second here. With the emerging talent now coming through from the Juvenile club we know we know we won’t be waiting another 34 years to repeat this great result. Well done to all.


Munster medals at Cross Country running in any code are not easily to come by and our Ladies team had to battle all the way to claim the bronze club team medals last Sunday.Ferrybank won on 27 points from Duhallow on 48 points and West Waterford 63 points. This was a good team performance with all four runners running to their full potential. The team was lead home by Elma Nugent who ran a terrific race to finish 5th overall giving a top drawer performance once again for her club. Elma is now mixing it with the best and was also the second scoring member of the county team who captured gold medals, two deserved Munster medals for a most deserving athlete. Our second scoring member was Edele Roche 16th again a youngster who has trained very well all winter and Sunday’s Munster medal success was a just reward for the Bunmahon Lady, just three places behind Edele was Rebecca Maher in 19th place, Rebecca always gives of her all for her club and a Munster medal was her reward last Sunday. Our fourth scoring member was Stacey Lyons 23rd without Stacey’s input last Sunday we wouldn’t have had a team at all so thanks to her for making the journey and running so well on the day insuring the club had a full Junior team, Many of the girls and boys above are now buckling down to exam study and we wish them and all other’s from the club sitting exams this year all the very best, If they give the same dedication to this task as they do to running there will be straight A’s all-round.


The legend that is Seamus Power of Clare was the deserving winner of the Men’s Senior race last Sunday but the greet news from a West Waterford point of view was the team bronze won by the club and the individual silver won by Raivis Zakis.Power was an easy winner on the day but Raivis had to dig deep to claim his first individual silver at Senior Munster cross country level. After being detached from the group of three Cian Murphy and Dermot Galvin of Kerry and Sean McGrath East Cork, Raivis showed real guts and determination to claw his way back into contention on lap three of five and was soon setting pace for the chaisers, McGrath was dropped on the final lap and on an uphill section with 800 meters to go Zakis made a decisive move to draw clear to take a famous runner up position, with four scoring our next runner home was Padraig Healy who ran his finest cross country race for the club to date when finishing a creditable 17th overall a great run from the U.C.C. student, Sean Stilwell finished 27th overall after battling bravely through the very mucky conditions and our fourth scoring finisher was Brian Byrne in 37th place running his first ever Munster Senior cross country race and acquitting himself admirable bring a Senior  Munster Medal back to the Village for his efforts. East Cork took overall victory with 67 points from Dundrum who finished just two points behind on 69th with West Waterford on 83 points.


“Bronze all-round for Ladies” now that isn’t a sun tan I’m talking about but the colour of the medals won by our Senior Ladies in Tipperary last Sunday. The club finished with 78 points behind Ennis Track 47 points and St.Finbarrs 57 points. Our first scoring member was Corinna Walsh in 8th place, A battler right to the finish Corinna is back running superbly well this year after a misfortunate 12 months when she was out with an injury which took months to heel. Corinna was also on the Waterford county team who took bronze. Great to see you back to your best again, Next finisher was Eibhlis Ní Aodha in 15th place, another top drawer run for the Kilmeaden Lady who always gives of her best for the club at all times and Sunday was no exception. Eibhlis was also on the county bronze medal wining team, Ann Dunford finished third scorer in 24th place a Lady who has been on more club teams at all levels of competition than some have had hot dinners, a deserving double Munster medal to add to the Dunford household collection. Ann was the fourth scoring member on the county team, A newcomer to Munster Senior cross country running but non the less as important a team member last Sunday as any, Brigid Coffey in 31st place secured the team bronze medals for us and she too is to be congratulated like all the above mentioned for running Sunday last. We club can also take pride in the fact that West Waterford AC were the only club to field four full teams in all four Munster competitions on the day and all members involved went home with some colour Munster medal which was a great achievement indeed. Our thanks and congratulations to Tony Shalloe Junior team coach, Tony Ryan Senior cross country cocodinator, Helen Nugent Juvenile committee for all her help and support on the day and likewise to Michael Tutty, Jason Travers and Angela Zakis for travelling and giving their support also.   



Round nine of the Winter League experienced one of the wettest nights ever in the history of the League and yet a relatively large crowd turned up given the conditions. Although the weather improved ever so slightly before the commencement of the league, it was while we were all in the midst of the run that conditions deteriorated. Great credit goes to all those that participated on the night, there was many a soaking pair of runners and leggings that night and all would be forgiven if they mistook us for the rowing or canoeing club. It is on nights such as last week, that our team of dedicated and loyal stewards really come to the fore. They are most definitely the “heroes” for each and every night of the league. It is much easier to run the league in these conditions and these wonderful stewards truly demonstrated their support and commitment to the club and its members by coming out and stewarding/manning the finishing tunnel for last week. Many thanks to you all and we hope that the remainder of the league will be calm and dry.


A total of 64 hardy individuals braved the elements to cover the 6-mile route. It was a night when one could be persuaded to take it easy under the circumstances, but not so the case for many runners in this route. Hearty congratulations to Alice Fitzgerald who succeeded in being the runner that improved her time the most, a fair achievement to say the least. In the past weeks, I recall mentioning Kilbrien man Alan Hickey and that to break 38 minutes would be his ultimate target before the end of the league. However, this was before we really understood his true spirit and mettle. Not alone did Alan break 38 minutes on only the second night back after Christmas, he knocked a whopping 36 seconds off this time and recorded 37.24 exactly. You certainly pick your nights to run a blinder Alan!! You have well and truly established yourself on the running scene. With a further 6 nights remaining, the sky’s the limit for this young man and no doubt we’ll see substantial improvements yet again before the league concludes. Eamon Flavin was another who refused to give in to the conditions and improved greatly on his time from the previous week, clocking 48.55. Caitriona O Brien also had a fine run and was extremely close to the 54-minute barrier finishing with a time of 54.03, Caitriona will be well under 54 for next week. Anthony Dwyer, fresh from the Mallow ten-mile road race dipped under 42 minutes. Triona Wall will be pleased with her run and was very close to breaking 45 minutes on the night.


The atrocious weather failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the three milers and round nine was the turn of Amanda Mansfield to lead the field home and earn the title of best improver for the night. This was well and truly deserved. The ever-improving Hugh Walsh was full of determination on the night and was justly rewarded with a finishing time of 16.23.
Everyone’s commitment and love for running was really tested last week and for all those that turned up there is no denying that you’re hooked! Fiona O’ Riordan broke 20 minutes last week, down from 22.45 from the previous week. That is some improvement. Looking through the results and comparing week 8 and week 9, it appears that the rain seems to suit many of the three milers, however strange that may sound.  Carolyn Byrne has certainly taken to the running like a duck to water and clocked 19.58 as opposed to 21.21 for the previous week. Must be something to do with Mark Radley in the same division, nothing like a bit of competition I say!! Another runner successful in their bid to break 20 minutes was Margaret O’ Carroll who ended up with a wonderful time of 19.47. Cyril Flavin could be another runner hoping for rain tonight as it seems to motor him on as well. Round 8 saw him recording 20.31 but round nine resulted in a finishing time of 19.52 for Cyril. Footballer Denise Nugent, who would be well accustomed to being out in all weathers, completed the route in a great time of 23.48. Judging by her run last week, Ciara Duffin looks well on target for joining the sub twenty minute runners and among the sub 24 minute runners next week we will surely see Katie Bullen, Caroline and Shirley Flynn, all three hovering around 24 but not for much longer.


Now that the league tables and divisions are well and truly in place, there’s bound to be a question or two from the runners as to how it operates and so forth. Firstly, it differs slightly from last year. Everybody is put in to a division with 5 in each division. The top 5 are in division 1, the next 5 in division 2 and so on. According as your points go up and down, you will move up and down in the division tables. You may be in division 4 one week, division 5 the following week and maybe back to division 4 again the week after that. Your total number of points over the course of the league will determine your position in the divisions. After each round of the league, your new score is added on to the previous week and it is then that your position in the league tables may move up or down. In order to feature in the divisions, everyone must run at least ten of the 15 nights. If you haven’t run ten nights by the end of the league you will not be put in to a division. It is not your best ten nights that count.  If you run all 15 nights, your final score will be your points for each of the 15 nights added up. If you ran 14 nights, we will add your score for the 14 nights and the maximum points you got for the one night you missed and that will be your over-all score. If you ran 13 nights, we will add up your score for the 13 nights that you ran and add it to the maximum points you got for the 2 nights that you missed to get an over-all score. If you ran 12 nights, we add your score for the 12 nights you ran to the maximum you received for the 3 nights you missed and this gives us your over-all score. The maximum points are determined by the number of people running on the night that you missed. If you miss a night and 121 people ran that night, then anybody who missed that night got 122 points. If 133 people ran, anybody missing that night would get 134. You’d want to be years at it!!


Another round of the Colligan Cup system will be held on round 11 of the Winter League, Wednesday January 23rd. The official Colligan Cup annual race is being held on Sunday January 27th and the Winter league is the ideal opportunity to fine-tune your accuracy and precision for the real thing. This night could prove a major decider of the League as nobody wants to be on the wrong side of the clock and end up with those dreaded penalty points. Tonight for round ten we have the normal handicap system in place and the Colligan Cup system the following week could really shake things up.


As was predicted many months ago Raivis Zakis has retained the title “Friends of West Waterford Athletic Club Athlete of the Year 2007”. After winning the title for the first time in 2006 when he recorded a huge tally of 95 points, by far and away the largest points total ever in the competition, This past year in creditably he fell just short of 95 when winning once again on a total of 92 points. His biggest monthly points total came in August when he clocked up 13 points for a single month indeed this was equalled by only one athlete when Anne Whelan did likewise for the month of October, From as early as the fourth month April, when Raivis went into an outright lead he was never in any danger of being caught at any stage. To have won this club competition takes a huge sustained effort over the full 12 months of the year, to win it twice with such authority is a remarkable achievement and is deserving for an athlete as committed and dedicated to the club as Raivis is. Raivis will be presented with his prize and the friends of West Waterford athlete of the year cup and trophy in the weeks ahead. It’s worth noting that the athletes who finished in the top ten of the past years table included 7 Ladies no less. Well done to the girls. We also had in the top ten no less than 4 previous winner of the title along with Raivis 2006 and 2007.was Ann Dunford 2003,Judy Hanrahan 2005 and Norma Wall 2004.Only 12 points separated the placings from 2nd to 10th with Ann Dunford taking the second place slot recording 72 points 2 more than her tally for 2006,very consistent performing again on weekly bases here, Anne Whelan was third just one point behind with 71 again Anne finished with 2 points more on her total for 2007 which helped to move her up into a top 3 finishing position this year. Winner of the competition two years ago Judy Hanrahan was 4th with 68 points with the appearance of our second male runner Michael Tutty popping up in 5th place with 66 points. Onra Power also put in a busy 2006 when she finished in 6th on 65 points. The Wall sisters had a little battle of their own with both Finishing on 62 points, Our third and final Male top ten position went to Liam Budds who had a terrific year on the road and in the various club leagues, Liam’s tally of 61 points saw him finish in 9th place. Josie Uí Chuirrin filled the very important 10th placing with 60 points. Josie has hardly been outside the top ten in this competition in the six years of its existence. Well done to all and our thanks to Raivis who had the ardius task of looking after the tables for the past year. The good news is that by winning the competition he will be looking after it for the coning year also which started on January 1st and will continue until December 31st 2008.Come on lads and Lassies his there to be knocked off his pedestal.

The following are the top 30 positions in the competition.

 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Zakis, Raivis 7 7 4 7 10 7 9 13 8 10 4 6 92
Dunford, Ann 9 5 2 4 8 7 7 1 6 10 6 7 72
Whelan, Anne 7 4 5 3 7 4 6 4 7 13 4 7 71
Hanrahan, Judy  6 8 4 3 5 5 6 2 4 12 6 7 68
Tutty Michael 9 3 6 4 7 3 8 5 5 10 3 3 66
Power, Onra 7 3 3 4 4 3 9 8 6 10 4 4 65
Wall, Norma  7 6 6 4 5 6 4 2 7 8 2 5 62
Wall, Triona  7 5 6 4 6 5 9 4 1 6 4 5 62
Budds, Liam 6 6 4 4 8 7 8 5 3 5 2 3 61
Uì Chuirrìn, Josie 6 4 3 4 8 6 8 3 3 9 3 3 60
Morrissey, Pat 6 5 4 5 7 7 6 5 1 6 3 2 57
Deegan, Dixie 9 6 4 5 3 3 5 3 3 7 4 2 54
Stilwell, Sean  5 7 6 5 10 6 5 4 1 1 0 4 54
O’Riordan, Ptk 6 5 0 2 6 6 7 5 5 5 3 3 53
Coffey, Brigid 2 2 3 2 2 4 9 7 3 8 3 6 51
Dunford, Pat 5 1 0 2 8 8 9 3 3 2 4 5 50
Tutty, Vincent 4 2 6 2 6 7 5 5 3 6 1 2 49
Power, Paddy 8 4 1 2 5 7 6 4 3 4 3 2 49
Lyons Colin 5 3 2 1 8 6 4 1 6 9 1 2 48
Kavanagh, Liam  7 5 4 5 2 3 5 6 3 1 4 3 48
Brunnock, Paul 6 4 2 3 4 4 2 6 6 4 4 3 48
Colman Tomas 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 2 3 3 0 3 47
Walsh Corinna 5 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 5 8 4 4 47
Veale, Brìd 6 2 4 2 5 4 7 5 1 9 0 0 45
Bralitis, Sandis  1 3 2 5 5 8 10 7 1 3 0 0 45
Gough, Joe 8 3 4 4 3 2 5 5 2 1 4 4 45
Kelly, Richard 7 4 4 4 9 6 6 1 1 1 1 0 44
Moloney, Pearse 3 1 3 3 4 3 7 3 6 6 2 3 44
Phelan Eamon 6 1 3 4 5 5 6 4 2 2 3 2 43
Scanlan, Tom 5 4 3 2 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 43


The Michael Roche Carpets/West Waterford Spring /summer racing scene for 2008 is about to kick in. Starting Sunday week when we host the 20th Annual Kiely Monumental Colligan Cup on February 27th at 2 pm. Juvenile race starts at 1 pm. The Senior race is over the usual 5 miles Colligan wood circuit and Juveniles will have a 1-mile circuit to run. The Colligan cup is an unique event in that it is run on a handicap bases where you simply predict your finishing time over a 5 mile run, with the winner being the person who is nearest to that predicted time, this makes the race open to all no matter what your standard is, everyone has the same chance of taking the title. Now in its 20th year we would like to thanks sincerely our sponsor for all of those 20 years David Kiely of Kiely Monumental for his ongoing support for the local running club.


Heartiest congratulations to our over worked and under paid road running co-ordinator Gerry Cantwell on reaching the great old age of 50,And he has almost as many marathon’s ran too I might add. Waddle on my friend.


Your club membership for the coming year is now due. At €25 you will have to agree its great value with a huge array of races over the upcoming 12 month period with something to suit everyone, So please don’t put it on the long finger, register now with West Waterford AC. and enjoy your running with Ireland’s largest running club. Michael Tutty is our club registrar.



The Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 miler, which is on Sunday February 3rd next at 1 PM is now truly gathering momentum with the pre-entries arriving daily. Were now just off the 300 mark and by the time you read this hopefully we will have even surpassed that mark. Entry is €15 if you enter pre -race and  €20.From a local point of view we have had a big response to the pre entries and we thank all those who have taken the time to sent there entry in by post, we also ask any one who haven’t done so to sent their entry in A.S.A.P. please don’t leave it till on the day of the race. Entry forms are available at Ger Wyley Sports or All rounder Sports it can also be down loaded from the club web-site www.westwaterfordathletics.org Entry forms will also be available tonight and next Wednesday night at the winter league. Your entry must include the entry fee of €15.If entering by post return your entry form to club treasurer, Denise Regan, Ballinamuck.Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
This now is likely to be the largest road race ever held in the town which from the off set was the target which the race committee set themselves, Their other target was to have an event of a very high standard and no stone has been left unturned in reaching this goal. It’s now up to all of us to make it a really special day for the visiting athletes to our town and a day to remember and be proud of ourselves. If you are available to give a hand in any shape or form over the weekend of the race, please contact any committee member.


I prefer to remain in blissful ignorance of the opposition. That way I’m not frightened by anyone’s reputation. Tony Shalloe


Dermot Dwyer Editor of our club Annual has asked me to inform all members that Sunday February 27th date for the Colligan cup is the final date when submissions for our 2007 club Annual will be accapted. Any member Juvenile or Senior who are writing an article for the Annual are asked to please note this. All pieces can be e mailed to jveale@cablesurf.com


Diane Behan won the Ladies section of last Sundays Mount Sion 5 mile road race. This was Diane’s 4th consecutive year wining this event, Her winning time this year was 32.55.190 runner took part in the race with all proceeds donated to Waterford Alzheimer’s Society.James Sullivan Waterford won the Men’s race, It was another successful outing for West Waterford’s Over 50 athlete Joe Gough who won this section finishing a creditable 6th overall in 30.07.P.J.Guinan was next in 9th place with a good time of 30.27,Jim Fleming was winner of the over 40 category in 32.03 .Tom O’Brien was 15TH overall in 32.16,Paul McManus was 18th 32.39 while Michael Wade was 41st in 34.29,Ray Murray finished 123rd 42.14 and Onra Power was 148th in 46.08 well done to all.


West Waterford’s Alan O’Brien was unlucky to finish just outside the medals last Sunday at the A.A.I. Indoors in Nenagh.Alan was 4th in 2.23.83 in the 1.000 meters. This however was a solid run from Alan in a field of 14 runners.

Men’s 1000 m
195 Warne, Joe Doheny A.C. 2.30.18
115 Healy, Conor Clonliffe Harriers A.C. 2.31.22
102 Kelly, Feidhlim Raheny Shamrock A.C. 2.31.83
15 O’Brien, Alan West Waterford A.C. 2.32.18
164 Dunleavy, Emmet Sligo A.C. 2.33.19
174 O’Neill, Eugene Crusaders A.C. 2.34.98
189 Murphy, Conor Naas A.C. 2.42.04
94 O’Connor, Gearoid Rathfarnham W.S.A.F. A.C. 2.42.10
173 Jones, Chris Raheny Shamrock A.C. 2.40.7H
16 Reilly, Ciaran Liffey Valley A.C. 2.44.3H
105 Sheil, Neil St. Killians A.C. 2.45.6H
58 Stewart, Darren Strabane Track Club 2.47.5H
57 Mc Brearty, Mark Strabane Track Club 2.49.5H
56 Crawford, Jamie Strabane Track Club 2.53.4H


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