West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Superb Silver club team medals for West Waterford men.



The club hosted the National Novice Cross Country championships last Sunday in St Augustine’s College, Abbeyside over an excellently laid out course by Br.Patrick, After a dry couple of days prior to race day the College grounds were in ideal condition for the days competition. The Ladies and Men’s Novice events were preceded by the uneven ages Juvenile championships. From early morning the cars and busses were arriving from all sides of the country along with the many who filled the hotels and guest houses around the locality.The day will be remembered as one of those great cross country days at the famed Friary grounds for the great running witnessed and for the efforts by those responsible for organising the event the Juvenile and Senior clubs of West Waterford AC. The club and all those involved can be well proud of the organisation of the event with everything absolutely inch perfect. From the weather to the lay out of the course to the traffic arrangements. Both the senior club and Juvenile club worked side by side to ensure a great days cross-country for all those who travelled from the four corners of Ireland for the championships. The races themselves were very fast and of the highest standard which is to be expected at All Ireland level,with medals very hard to come by. Our Juvenile club kept a terrific tally of 6 medals in the town, which I can tell you, were well earned in the top class fields participating. Individual medals were won by under 19 Jenny Hurley and Elma Nugent county gold with Waterford, Kate Veale individual bronze and provincial gold with Munster, Rory Moloney Silver County, and Edel Roche county silver. Well done to them and all the Juvenile athletes who took part in the championships which was an achievement in itself reaching an All Ireland cross country final, and to their mentors and trainers.
The Men’s race over 6.000 meters saw one of the largest and fastest races witnessed in many years with a huge field assembled for what turned out to be a great day once again for the club. In many ways at least some of the disappointment felt 12 months when our team were denied the gold medals on a technicality was washed aside when we took a deserving club silver with fantastic team performances by one and all. Its great that we are still knocking on the door and it proved last Sunday that All Ireland glore is but a stone throws away for us, that’s not taking away in any way from the athletes who performed out of their skins last Sunday to claim the silver medals, As we already said All Ireland medals are hard to come by and to take a club team silver from all of the 32 counties is a rear achievement for any club. Such was the competition that a total of 18 clubs scored with Ennis Track the pre race favourites winning with a tally of 81 points from West Waterford’s 96 with Slí Cualann third also on 96 points, We took the silver by virtue of the fact that our 4th scoring team member finished ahead of the fourth scoring Slí Chalann runner 40th and 47th respectively. Added to that also in the county section Waterford finished 3rd with 196 points from Clare winners on 128 and Wexford 2nd with 176.
The West Waterford men of silver were Alan O’Brien 16th Raivis Zakis 17th,Aitgars Matison 29th and James Ledingham 34th these were the clubs top scoring four on the day, for the county medals the team also included John Cleary Waterford 32nd and Declan McGrath West Waterford 68th.Like all team competitions its all about team running and once again we had athletes in abundance fighting for every place available with Kevin Kennelly 82nd Sean Stilwell 104th Padraig Healy 106th and John Kearns 124th .Congratulations to all nine a great achievement by one and all.


In the Ladies Novice race over 3.000 meters there was a huge field also and the pace was very hot from the gun, On the day our Ladies ran gallantly but were outside the medals on this occasion at club level finishing 4th from 10 clubs. However we did take two medals by way of Diane Behan and Norma Wall both scoring on the county team which captured silver behind Dublin the two other Waterford scoring members here were Maria Halley and Mary Burke. Well done to the four Ladies here keeping the flag flying for the county. On a day when Team running is the overall objective our Women fought tooth and nail for each other, Diane Behan had a very good run finishing 8th overall, Norma Wall finished next in 21st place, Ann Dunford was our next scorer in 45th just one place ahead of Brenda Hunt in 46th place, Anne Whelan was 61st and Triona Wall 69th Judy Hanrahan 81st and Brigid Coffey 82nd Congratulations and well done to all. Well done to both our Ladies and Men’s teams and cross country coordinator Tony Ryan on the excellent performances for their club last Sunday, Thanks to those who attended to lend their vocal support on the day also. Thanks to Conor Norris who did his usual high volume of work with traffic management etc and thanks to all those who came along to give a hand on the day. Without your support the championships wouldn’t be the success that they were. Finally our gratitude once again to Br.Patrick Lennon and school principle at St.Augustines College Joe Moynihan for the use of the school grounds for what was a memorable days cross country running in Dungarvan and all the travelling athletes left the area Sunday evening with nothing but words of praise to all concerned.



The league’s first staging of the well known “Colligan Cup” system was fast and furious to say the least! There can be only one winner and in the 2.7-mile route, this highly coveted accolade went to Seán Moore. Seán was the one and only person on the night that successfully succeeded in predicting his time. With the clock working backwards and just as it reached 0.00,Sean passed the finishing line and earned for himself bonus points which will certainly help with the divisions about to be put in to place very shortly. Seán had plenty of company on the way to the finishing line. Pearse Moloney almost had it spot on along with Ita Mason, both of whom were only one second slower than their predicted time. Well done to you both. Rumour has it that Ita is now giving a few tips on pacing to Trevor! Bridget Blackwell and Leisa Fleming will be well pleased with their pacing on the night as they were a mere two seconds outside of their predicted time. Hard luck to Josie Harty, Fiona O’ Riordan and Barry Power, all three were just one second too fast. The Moloneys had it well balanced on the night, Pearse was one second too slow and Marian was just two seconds too fast. Cora Cummins, Libby McGinn Murphy and Paula Nugent also had a battle to the finish and all three were just three seconds too fast. A total of 90 ran on the night. 34 were faster, 55 were slower and just one got it spot on. Congratulations again to Sean Moore and to you all for taking part.


For the 6 mile route, it was Ray Curran who accurately predicted his time and was the one and only to do so. Well-done Ray. It was difficult enough on the night to guess the time, as the wind was strong enough in places. Patrick O’ Reilly was just after Ray and was only one second out which is great pacing. John Quill and Pat Connaughton were just two seconds slower while Billy Coleman and Brian Fahy will be well pleased with being only three seconds outside of their time. Kenneth O’ Donnell is certainly getting to grips with this system. Having slowed down on the causeway, he picked up the pace again after the lookout and was just six seconds slower than his predicted time as was Bríd Breathnach. Geraldine Heffernan was unlucky not to come away as winner on the night. She was just one second too fast along with Michael Moloney. Linda Bradfield was only two seconds too fast and Paul Twomey just four seconds out. Alan Hickey, who was the overall leader of the 6 mile league up to week five had a great run, too good in fact as he was 6 seconds too fast as was Michael Whelan. Well done to all who took part and in the New Year at some stage we will have another “Colligan Cup” night.


Tonight, December 19th is our annual Christmas Charity night. When registering for your run, as you would do every week, all monies taken in on the night will be donated to this year’s chosen charity, which is the Abbeyside/Ballinroad/Garranbane Senior Citizen’s Group. We ask that for tonight you dig deep and give generously to this worthy cause.
The money collected will be given to a representative of this group in conjunction with the club’s Christmas night out which will be held tonight in Crotty’s Bar, Abbeyside at 9.30 p.m. approx. All are welcome to attend.


All at West Waterford Athletic Club would like to wish all the league participants a very happy and healthy Christmas and the very best for 2008.  We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and every one of our stewards and back up team, without their help the Winter League would not be possible.  It is these people that ensure the smooth running of the Winter League every night and their loyalty and commitment is commendable. The club is extremely fortunate to have such a group of willing and supportive people and for this we are entirely grateful. The stewards, people taking the entries, putting out the bollards and the cones, the finishing tunnel and the clock, taking the numbers, gathering the signs, doing the results and the staff at the Sports Centre- we thank you all and we appreciate your co-operation and dedication. We look forward to working with you all again in 2008.


The Winter League might be taking a break until the New Year, but to all those planning to run over the Christmas, we urge you to please wear your bib when out for a run. If you’ve lost one they can be bought at any sports shop in town or you could put it on your wish list. There really is no excuse. We wish you all a safe and happy Christmas.


The winter league will resume in the New Year on Wednesday January 2nd and please note that there will be a mass start at 7 p.m. There will be no handicap times on the night, all runners will start together. This is to facilitate a teenage disco that will be held in the Sports Centre that same night.


The National 30 k race walking championships were held last Saturday in the Phoenix Park on an enclosed 2k circuit. Quite a small field took part and from the gun Jamie Costin raced into a commanding lead which he increased hugely as the race progressed. This was a good work out for Jamie as his sites are now firmly set on Beijing Olympics in August next. Jamies winning time was 2.19.38 with David Kidd finishing second.


Congratulations to club members Mike and Ashling Horgan on the birth of a baby Boy and to Garrett and Louise Byrne on the birth of a baby girl last week. Health and happiness to all.


A very productive second Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 meeting was held last Thursday night in Minnie’s and an encouraging turn out were present on the night. With just a couple of weeks to go now to race day Sunday February 3rd,much of the pre race organising is now in place. Its encouraging to hear from Denise that the entries are starting to come in daily for what we expect will be the biggest road race ever held in the town. The preparation’s are well advanced now as along with the work already put in by ourselves and our sponsors Dunphy Vivas Health who have been very active with the organising of this mammoth event and for their ongoing hand’s on approach through their area Manager Mel Shanley we thank them. We still remind any local runners who are taking part to try and get their entry in a.s.a.p.to Denise Regan.Ballinamuck.Dungarvan.entry forms can be down loaded from the club web site at www.westwaterfordathletics.org or local running events and sports shops


It never gets easier, you just go faster. Alan O’Brien.


Our club web site is going from strength to strength and getting more hits than ever thanks to the work being done by those looking after the site keeping it up to date each week, To keep abreast of all the happenings in the club Log onto www.westwaterfordathletics.org and the option is there to go to the senior club or the Juvenile club notes. Thanks to Déise Design for all their help with same and to Andrea Gaffney for the work she is doing with the Site. 


This year’s benefactor of our St.Stephens day charity Walk/Run which is jointly organized by Dungarvan G.A.A.club and ourselves is the Sesame Pre School for children with disabilities. The need for funding in this school is ongoing and the event organisers are delighted to be associated with Sesame Pre School on this occasion, the school provides a very special service with in our community and the school is a vital necessity for those children, which it serves. We urge our members and friends to support the event on St.Stephens day. The distances are a two or a five-mile walk or run from Dungarvan G.A.A.grounds at 11.30 AM. This is a non competitive event and has proved to be very enjoyable and successful in the past, Thanks to the Ladies committee in the G.A.A.club the traditional soup and sandwiches will be a welcome treat for all participants and stewards, There is no entry fee on the day but a subscription at one’s own discretion would be very welcome.


Part two of our promotion on St. Stephens day will be our now traditional Wren day which will get under way at 3 PM at the Gows Bar Main St.Club member Liam Kavanagh is organizing the musical side here and of course anybody out there members or non members who would like to join us with their Guitar, Bodhrán, Spoons etc will be more than welcome, All Funds raised here will also be donated to The Sesame Pre School for children with disabilities, so all Contributions will gladly be accepted at the venues visited by Liam and his wren boys and girls. So the scene is set for an enjoyable day for all concerned and at the same time a very worthy cause is being supported. See you St.Stephens day and bring a friend if you have one


The Munster Masters Indoors championships are on Sunday 6th January in Nenagh.Also the Munster indoors Senior’s and juniors is on Sunday January 20th at the same venue. If competing please contact Masters Track and Field co-ordinator Ann Dunford A.S.A.P.as entries need to be sent in.


On behalf of West Waterford Athletic Club I would like to wish all our committee members, club members, sponsors, and supporters a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. To all, may the New Year bring all that you wish for plus injury free running.

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