West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

David McCarthy 9th at European cross country championships.


It’s another big day in the life of West Waterford Athletic Club this coming Sunday as we play host to this years National Juvenile uneven ages and Men’s and Ladies Novice cross country championships at St Augustine’s College The Juvenile races will start at 12 noon and many of our young Juveniles have qualified for the event. The Novice Ladies will be run over the 3.000 meter course which Br. Patrick and his team have prepared for the days competition, starting time here is 1.15pm.The Novice Men will cover twice that distance 6.000 Meters and that race gets under way at 1.35 pm .The Ladies are allowed eight athletes to run per team with four to score in both County and Club. The Men are allowed twelve to run with six to score for country and eight to run with four to score for club teams. West Waterford will be represented in both grades. We are expecting a huge crowd on the day and there will be parking restrictions in place. Our support would be much appreciated also, so we ask all club members to comer along and give your fellow club members your support on home turf as they take on the rest of the country. This event takes a big effort from all to organise and with this in mind we ask anyone who might be available on the day to give a hand to contact any committee member of the Juvenile or Senior club.
Diane Behan
Sinead Crotty
Norma Wall
Brenda Hunt
Anne Whelan
Ann Dunford
Brigid Coffey
Triona Wall
Regina Byrne
Judy Hanrahan


Raivis Zakis
James Ledingham
Alan O’Brien
Pádraig Healy
Kevin Kenneally
Aigars Matisons
Declan McGrath
Séan Stilwell
John Kearns
Trevor Mason
Johnny O’Connor

Seán Stilwell got off to a great start last week in the winter league and was the first person home in the 6-mile route. He recorded a time of 36.05, which was great running for the first night, even more so considering the wind factor. Next up was Ray Burke in a time of 42.34. Last week was Ray’s first night running as every year Ray takes the first few nights off to help out in the organising and the setting up of the league, for which we are all very grateful. Now that the League is running smoothly, Ray will be able to turn his attention on running the league and no doubt will improve weekly with his times. Mark Cahill, who began running this year out in the Friary at the summer league, was the third person in and he will be well pleased with his time of 42.54. While it wasn’t the worst of nights weather wise, the wind was strong in places but over the last mile or so with all the runners coming together, everybody really made a great effort to get to the line and to knock off a second or two from the previous week. Ger Wyley was unlucky not to break 39 minutes, recording 39.01 for his efforts. However, a calm night will see Ger break 39 minutes with ease. Noel Drohan, who is in training for the famous Ballycotton 10 was in flying form last week and ran the route in a time of 42.31, as did Tom Moroney. That’s the beauty of the Winter League, there’s always someone ahead, beside and behind you that give you the incentive to keep going. Orla O’ Mahony is really taking the Winter League in her stride and her times are improving greatly. While we’re on the subject of great times, Declan McGrath is very worthy of a mention, being the fastest runner over the 6-mile course on the night. Declan clocked 32.50 and had there been no wind, it would have certainly been sub 32.30. The Dublin Marathon seems to have had no effect on Declan whatsoever. Geraldine Heffernan also had a great run as did Fergal Connolly who is on the verge of breaking 44 minutes and with two nights left in the run up to Christmas, this he will surely achieve.


The 2.7-mile route also had a great entry for last week with 102 taking part. Tomás Coleman led them all home in a time of 16.15 with Touraneena’s John Queally in second position with a time of 16.58. Willie Power was unlucky not to break 17 minutes but will make amends for that tonight. The speed work session held in the Friary last week no doubt helped Hugh Walsh over the last 400 metres of the route and he was well under 16 minutes, recording 15.56 exactly. Sisters Paula and Denise Nugent are improving steadily each week and Cappoquin duo Ita Mason and Cora Cummins recorded 24.49 each, well under 25 minutes. Watch out Trevor!! With a great time of 24.02, Mary Riordan will certainly give it her all tonight to break 24 minutes. Betty Sheehan clocked 23 minutes even on the night and Triona Whyte recorded 19.47. Dublin native Carolyn Byrne, now a regular at the Winter League has improved immensely and will be chuffed with her time of 20.15. The next two weeks should see her breaking 20-minute, no problem.  Well done also to Gemma Tobin who also had a fine run and recorded 18.39 which is great running indeed. Keep it up everybody.


The League itself is well underway and all participants are thoroughly enjoying the league and also its unique system. As it’s done on a handicap system, it’s not until the final mile to half mile that all participants are coming together and it’s then that the real battle begins as all have a common goal- to get to that finishing line and pass out as many as possible in the process. In fact before the league begins and all are in the hall the topic of conversation among all the runners without exception is the starting times, the times so and so ran last week, where so and so passed you out on the route the previous week, figuring out who’s starting the same time as yourself, will you be able to stay with him/her tonight, secretly wishing you had a banana instead of the crisps for that extra bit of energy! It’s all great fun and amusing and it’s not too late to join. The League is held every Wednesday night in the Sports Centre with the first runner beginning at 7.20 p.m. Registration begins from 6.45 onwards with a weekly fee of €2 for club members and €3 for non-members. There are just two nights remaining before Christmas, tonight and next week December 19th. The league will resume again on January 2 with a mass start beginning at 7 p.m. This earlier than normal start on January 2nd is to facilitate a teenage disco, which will be held on the same night. So please bear in mind, a mass start for all runners of both leagues at 7 p.m. don’t forget to allow yourself plenty of time to park and register. Registrations will begin that night at 6.30 p.m. onwards.


The format for the Winter League tonight is different to that of other nights; tonight is what we call “Colligan Cup Night”. This name is derived from the well-known race held every year in Colligan wood and every year in the winter league to spice things up a bit we follow this system. There will be no handicap times displayed in the hall. Instead the clock will begin at 65 minutes and will work backwards all the way until 0.00. It is up to each person to keep an eye on the clock and to start running at whatever time you think you will run the route in. There is only one clock in operation for the two routes so when the clock starts at 65 minutes, that is 65 minutes for the long route but it is 35 minutes for the short route. When the clock reads 60 minutes, that means that it is 60 minutes for the long route but 30 minutes for the short route. Whatever time is on the clock, subtract 30 minutes to get the time for the short route. To win the Colligan Cup system, you must try and run the route at the time you predicted but not run faster than it. If you can run the short route in 24 minutes, you should ideally start your run at 23.50 approx so that you don’t risk running it faster than 24 minutes. As stated already, the clock starts at 65 minutes and works backwards to 0.00. As soon as the clock reaches 0.00, the next person to cross the line is the winner. All those that cross the line before the clock reaches 0.00 were too fast and will receive penalty points. The first few to cross the line after 0.00 will receive bonus points. The main thing to remember here is that you don’t want to cross the line before the clock reaches 0.00. This format is highly amusing as if everyone accurately predicts their run, we should all cross the line together, but some will be too fast (not too often that we’re too fast!), some will be slower and only one will be spot on. No watches are allowed and the big clock that’s usually on display at the finishing line will be well and truly out of sight. (We’re not going to make it easy for ye!) This race will test your pacing to the utmost! The very best of luck to everyone.


As is customary every year, the proceeds of the last night of the league before Christmas are donated to some local charity. This year all monies taken in on the night will go to the Abbeyside/Ballinroad/Garranbane Senior Citizens Group. The €2 and €3 entry fee will be donated along with any other money people would like to donate. So don’t forget on December 19th to bring a few extra bob in your pocket. The money will be presented to the Senior Citizen’s Group after the Winter League in Crotty’s Bar, Abbeyside from 9.30 p.m. onwards. All runners are welcome to come along.


In association with Dungarvan G.A.A.club our Annual St.Stephens day walk and run will take place from the G.A.A.club house at 11.30 AM The distance’s are two miles and five miles, so depending on your Christmas, you can choose which distance is suitable for you on the day, This years Benefactors is the Sesame Pre School for children with disabilities and here again is a group of people who are doing very valuable work in the community. Entry fee is at your own discretion. A number of spot prizes will be presented and the traditional soup and sandwiches will be served thanks to Dungarvan G.A.A ladies committee.


This week we would like to invite any persons who might like to be involved in what we expect will be the largest road race ever seen around these parts The Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 on Sunday February 3rd 2008 to come along to a race meeting in Minnie’s Bar Abbeyside on tomorrow night Thursday 13th December at 8.30 PM.Much of the ground work is already in place for this huge event, But now we need to put some smaller groups together to take care of some of the practical tasks which are needed for race day. This event is the largest ever undertaken by the club so we appeal to you if you think there’s some contribution you can make in any way to come along tomorrow night to Minnie’s. Many hands.!!  A reminder at all participants this week also that Race entry forms are now available at any of the clubs events or you can also down load Entry forms from the club web site at www.westwaterfordathletic.org we appeal to all local participants to get their entry’s in early to race entries officer Denise Regan Ballinamuck Dungarvan.Co.Waterford.


West Waterford athlete and 1st year Providence College student under the guidance of Villiarstown coach Ray Treacy.David McCarthy was running in Toro Spain last weekend at the European Cross Country championships, David was competing in the Junior Men’s race, Bright sunshine, a strong wind and an ultra flat course was the scene for the very fast events with 6 races in all down for decision. Junior,under 23 and Senior Men and Women. While there were no team or individual medals for the six Irish teams, there were several positive performances that augur well for the future.One of these was the perfromance of David McCarthy who was the fifth Irish runner to post a top ten finish when coming home a very solid 9th overall,After coming through a tough American collegiate season where he excelled,David has maintained his form well and can be well pleased with his finishing position Sunday.We now look forward to seeing him back home over the Christmas break when he hopes to run some of the low key local races.David’s sister Lorraine also took part in the Junior Ladies race and here she finished 56th overall in again a very fast race from the gun.Well done to both McCarthy’s on what was an unique occasion for them both,their family,clubs and friends.Other Irish performaces of note came from Fionnuala Britton 7th in Senior Ladies race,Martin Fagan 7th Senior Mens race,Linda Byrne 6th under 23 ladies race,Andrew Ledwith 10th under 23 Mens race,Charlotte Ffench O’Carroll 14th Junior Ladies race,
After the Senior Men’s race there is no doubt that Sergiy Lebid is still the continent’s king of cross country, after unleashing his trademark kick with 300m to go to secure his seventh overall European title, On home soil Spaniard Marta Domínguez delivered what the enthusiastic crowd at the Monte La Reina circuit came to see: a commanding victory and the first-ever gold medal for a Spanish female athlete at the Championships.

Junior Men
1 AMDOUNI, Mourad FRA 20:08
2 CARVALHO, Florian FRA 20:11
3 LASHYN, Dmytro UKR 20:16

Irish finishing positions.
9 152 MCCARTHY, David 20:30
31 151 COGHLAN, John 20:59
38 155 ROONEY, David 21:01
58 153 MULHARE, Michael 21:22
76 156 TUOHY, Niall 22:07
85 154 O’NEILL, Brendan 22:59


Only think of two things – the gun and the tape. When you hear the one, just run like hell until you break the other. Diane Behan


The Tony O Connell 4 Miler will be held at 12 o clock St Stephen’s Day 2007.The Prizes see’s the winner collect 250 Euros plus prizes for 1st 5 Men, 1st 3 0/40, 1st 2 0/45, 50, 1st 0/55,0/60,0/65 1st 3 Junior Men.1st 5 Ladies, 1st 3 0/35, 1st 2 0/40, 1st 0/45,1st Junior Lady. Entry Fee 8 Euros. Spot Prizes for down the field finishers. Entries / Changing facilities at the Shotokan Centre, The Gashouse Bridge, Clonmel.Enquiries to Niall O Sullivan phone 052 38287.The event is Promoted by Clonmel Athletic Club.


There was a good attendance present for the club’s 14th Annual General meeting last Thursday night at Minnie’s Bar, Abbeyside. The meeting was opened by the Chairman, who from the onset thanked the many various people who helped through out the past year, which was once again a most successful year for the club. Following this our Assistant Secretary Norma Wall read last years minutes, which were duly passed. A very informative secretary’s report for the past year followed this, where Tony Ryan outlined the success the club had at all levels. This report can now be read on our club web site and is also published in these notes this week. It gives a comprehensive month-by-month account of the clubs happening’s and achievements. Our Treasurer Denise Regan produced a very healthy set of club accounts after a very busy 12 months; these accounts were audited by club Auditor John White of JBW Accountants, whom we thank for same. We then had the appointment of committee members for the coming year and the following will lead our club in 2008.

Hon President Paddy Joe Curran
Chairman Tony Ryan
Vice Chairman Albert McGrath.
Secretary.Norma Wall
Assistant Secretary.Triona Wall
Cross Country and Track and Field Coordinator Tony Ryan.
Treasurer Denise Regan.
Road Racing Coordinator. Gerry Cantwell
 Masters Track and Field Coordinator. Ann Dunford
P.R.O.James Veale
Committee Members, Michael Tutty, (Club Registrar) Trevor Mason, Conor Norris, Liam Crowe.


2007 was a very positive year in the continuing development of the West Waterford Athletic Club.  The all year round work rate by those responsible for the different areas in the development of our club ensured another very active and enjoyable year for our members.  Our two-pronged approach of catering for participation and competition is proving to be a successful formula, which is demonstrated by our record membership levels again this year with the Athletic Association of Ireland.
On the participation front, the trip to the Amsterdam Marathon by a group of 70 members was once again the highlight.  Our congratulations and thanks to the organisers of this trip.  The welcome highlight for us on the competitive side was the victory by our senior men’s team in division one of the National Track and Field Leagues in Tullamore, which is another step forward in the important development of this area of athletics within the club.
Though seemingly thin on the ground, to ensure a freshness of ideas in developing the club it is important to seek our members opinion on the running of our club, events etc and to invite them to get involved in these events and to take on some responsibility regarding same. Our biggest disappointment of the season was being deprived of the National Novice Cross-Country Title on a technicality with the initial error coming from the Athletic Association of Ireland itself.  Unnecessary officialdom was prioritised in place of the just rewards of four runners who were entered for and had won the race and this should never be the case in any sport.  Following an appeal in mid December the AAI once again showed its consistency in the lack of consideration towards its members, in this case by not replying to the appeal until mid-May, five months later.  Surely this is not the way to run any organisation and hopefully our club will never sink to this level of in competency.
 We are glad to report that our relationship with the West Waterford Juvenile Club is healthy and positive.  The youth under their care are fortunate to have a group of adults who constantly encourage them and who assist them to develop athletically without pressurising them.  Their recent trip to France promoted further the West Waterford Athletic Club name.
To the authorities and principal of St. Augustine’s College we are again indebted as the greater part of our club’s activities are accommodated here.  It is important to acknowledge and commend their generous contribution to our club and to the sporting life of the area in general.
Waterford County Council is currently undertaking a feasibility study on the possibility of providing a tartan track in the area.  Like many projects, the realistic stumbling block is finance, yet this is an ideal opportunity for all concerned, including the National Sports Council to further promote healthy and sporting activity for the future generations of West Waterford and Waterford’s youth and adults.
The club organises a huge calendar of events every year and it is noticeable that a nucleus of members are constantly in attendance at it.  Our special thanks to these members who are very much responsible for ensuring the club is regularly active throughout the year.
Also on the “Thank You” front, we would like to include all our sponsors, organisers, committee workers, helpers, O’Brien Family Minnie’s (meetings), Deise Design (Website), Dungarvan Leader and Observer (Club Notes) and everybody who has an input in keeping West Waterford the vibrant club that it is today.
Our congratulations are extended to club members who married during the year and to those who had additions to their family.  Sincere sympathy is extended to members who suffered bereavements during 2007.

Our men’s novice team of Mareks Mikisco, Raivis, Dzintars and James Leddingham were deprived of the Irish Cross-Country Championship in Athlone on a technicality having won the race by 29pts.  Our ladies team of Diane Behan, Norma Wall Sinéad Crotty and Ann Whelan were third club and part of the third placed county team.  €1400.00 was raised at the last night of the Winter League before Christmas for the South Eastern Cancer Foundation.  The club endured further dissatisfaction with officialdom when the Munster Masters Cross-Country Championships were called off in Clare, as we only discovered this when we arrived at the venue.  Jamie Costin won the silver medal in the Irish 30K road racing championship in Dublin.  The St. Stephen’s Day Fun Run and Wren Day raised €3000.00 for the Alzheimer’s Unit in the local hospital.  At the Munster Masters Indoors Track and Field Championships, Sandra Brazil-White won the 200 metres title and was second in the 60 mts and third in the long jump.  Terri Gough won four silver medals in her age category.  The Baldy Man Beach Run in Tramore was postponed for the second consecutive year.

Raivis Zakis won the Mallow ten miler in 53 minutes and Munster Pole Vault titles were won in Nenagh by Liam and Thomas Houlihan and Emma Dunne.  Individual medals were also won by James Leddingham (400 and 1500), Liam Houlihan (high jump) and Aisling Fennell (pole vault).  Our junior men’s cross country team of Mark Shalloe, Rory Moloney, Ciarán Lane and Alan Akhurst were second in the Munster Championships in Limerick and our junior ladies team of Shona Curran, Elma Nugent, Niamh O’Riordan and Emer Scanlon won the bronze medals.  Raivis Zakis won the 5K BHAA Cross Country Race in Cork.  Jamie Costin won the AAI 3K walk in the indoor games in Nenagh.
The club won six All-Ireland titles at the Masters Indoor Championships in Nenagh.  Terri Gough won the 200, 800 and 3000 mts, Sandra Brazil-White won the 60 mts and 200 mts and Joe Gough won the 400 mts.  At the Munster Masters Cross-Country Championships in Clare, Terri Gough won the O/60 title and Helene Hayes was third in the O/50 championship.  Our O/35 team of Ann Dunford, Ann Whelan and Bríd Veale were third club and our O/45 team of Terri Gough, Helene Hayes and Jacinta Sheil were second club. The 19th Annual Kiely Monumental Colligan Cup was won by Maurice Boland (Clonmel A.C.) and the ladies shield was won by Catriona Mulcahy.  155 participated.

A record entry of 516 runners completed the Glaxo Smithkline 10 mile road race.  Sandis Bralitis won for the third year in a row (50.16) and Lucy Brennan (58.40) won the ladies race.  Club category winners were Ann Dunford (O/40) and Rory Moloney (junior).  Our men’s Intermediate team of Ravis, Dzintars, Seán Stillwell and Trevor Mason won the bronze medals at the National Cross Country Championships in Santry and our ladies team finished in sixth position. The rescheduled Baldy Man run in Tramore was won by Raivis Zakis and the Enniscorthy 10K was won by Sandis Bralitis.  The Winter Leagues concluded with Michael Dunford winning the 6 miler and Angeline Drennan winning the 2.3 miler.  The Bausch and Lomb Kilmacthomas 5 mile race was won in record time by Sandis Bralitis (24.06) and Claire Phelan (St. Albans) 29.38.  A record entry of 160 participated.

Our mens team of Sandis, Raivis and Dzintars won the Ballycotton 10 team event.  Sandis was second senior and Rory Moloney was second junior.  82 club members participated.  The club purchased a new pole vault unit and loading gear for use by our members and by St. Augustine’s College. Our 25th Annual Easons Dungarvan Road Race attracted a record entry of 211 finishers.  It was won by Sandis Bralitis and Jacki Carty.  The Michael Roche Carpets Spring Series concluded at this race with the overall winners being Sandis and Brenda Lowe (Waterford A.C.).  Raivis Zakis won the Moyglass 4 miler on St. Patrick’s Day and Diane Behan was second in the ladies race. The Masons Mortgages and Financial Services Colligan League commenced in Colligan Wood with an entry of 100 runners.  Both Mark Bannon and Emma Dunne won the silver medals in the National Junior Indoor Pole Vault Championships.  Our 4th Annual “Annual” edited by Dermot Dwyer was launched on March 11th.Sinéad Crotty won the Munster Novice Road Race 2 mile title in Dundrum, Co. Tipperary.  Our ladies team of Diane Behan (2nd O/35), Ann Whelan, Judy Hanrahan and Bríd Veale won the O/35 club title.  We were second in the senior and Novice ladies club championships and second in the men’s O/35 club championship.

The Munster 10 mile road series finished at the Kilnaboy race.  The overall men’s winner was Raivis Zakis and Norma Wall was second overall in the ladies category.  The Masons Mortgage Colligan League finished with Sean Stillwell winning the Veale Family Shield.  The other category winners were Joe Gough and Emer Scanlon (2.5miles flat), Declan McGrath and Corinna Walsh (5 miles flat) and Norma Wall (5 miles hills) Our Ger Wyley Sports / Nike Summer Road Racing Series got underway at the Marine Climb with a record race entry of 188 participants.  The race was won by Sandis Bralitis and Sinéad Crotty, 99 joined the series the first night.  Sandis won the silver medal at the National Senior 10K road Championship in Navan two days later.  A record entry of 234 ran the Butlerstown 10K, the race winners being Sandis Bralitis and Mary Sweeney.  A further 35 people joined the Summer Series.  Raivis won the four-mile Stride by the Tide race in Youghal.

The Minnie’s League started at St. Augustine’s College with an entry of 118 participants the first night.  The club won six titles at the Munster Junior and U/23 Track and Field Championships in Cork.  The winners were, Junior Mark Bannon (Pole vault), David McCarthy (3K) and Mark Shalloe (Steeplechase), U/23 winners were Sinéad Crotty (1500mts) Seán Stillwell (Steeplechase) and Claire O’Sullivan (Pole Vault).  Medals were also won by Rory Moloney, Thomas Houlihan, Padraig Healy, Aisling Fennell, Eadaoin Ashe and Emma Dunne.  Sandis, Raivis and Seán Stillwell filled the top three places in the John Joe Barry 5K in Tipperary. Category winners in our 2nd Annual Track and Field Pentathlon were Seán Stillwell, Pat Morrissey, Corinna Walsh and Andrea O’Neill.  The club supplied the first three runners in the Clonmel 10K in Sandis, Raivis and Dzintars.  A total of 235 participants finished the Waterford to Tramore road race.  Sandis, Dzintars and Seán Stillwell were the first three home and Sinéad Crotty was third lady.  Our men’s team of Trevor Mason, Joe Kelly and Ml Dunford won the team prize.
The club were out in force for the Munster Masters track and Field Championships in Castleisland.  A total of 57 Munster Medals were won including titles for Terri Gough (Hammer Javelin and 100 mts).  Jacinta Sheil (Javelin), Joe Gough (200 mts and 400 mts), Sandra Brazil White (100 mts and 200 mts), Ann Whelan (800 mts and 1500 mts), Colin Lyons (High Jump), Sharon O’Brien (Javelin) and Paschal Proctor (800 mts). Jamie Costin qualified for the World Championships and Olympic Games 50K race walking when breaking the four hour qualifying time in 3 hrs 53 mins 30 secs in England.The club team of Joe Kelly, Jim Fleming and Liam Budds won the Ballyandreen 5 miler and Raivis was second individual.  Sandis and Seán Stillwell were the top two in the Emer Casey 10K in Youghal and Raivis and Dzintars were the top two in the Champion Kiely 5K in Carrick on Suir.  To round off a busy few days Sandis and Raivis were the top two in the Poulamuca 8K in Tipperary.

The club team of James Leddingham, Sandis and Raivis scored a big win in the relay section of the Cork Marathon in an entry of over 700 teams.  The Hallahans Coaches Touraneena 5K on the same night was won by Sandis and Maria Murphy Griffin in an entry of 154 participants.  Sandis and Sinéad Crotty won the 5th Annual Clashmore 5 miler in an entry of 155 runners.  James Leddingham won the Munster Senior 800 mts title in a time of 1 min 56 secs and Danny Rockett and Sinéad Crotty were third in the Hammer and 1500 mts respectively.  Sandis Bralitis ran 29.14 to win the 15th Annual Rás na Rinne in an entry of 135 runners.  Sinéad Crotty won the ladies race.  Raivis won the BHAA road race in Cork.  The Shanagarry 5 miles road race was won by Sandis Bralitis (25.48).  Our team of Joe Kelly, Liam Budds and Ray Dwyer won the team event.

At the first day of the E.B.S. National Track and Field Leagues, our men’s team finished first in division one and our ladies team finished fourth.  Individual wins were recorded by Padraig Healy (3K walk), Dzintars Klava (1300), Alan O’Brien (400mts), Sandis Bralitis (5k), James Leddingham (800mts), Raivis Zakis (Steeplechase), Donnie Rockett (Hammer and 56 16), Liam Houlihan and Clare O’Sullivan (Pole Vault), Frank O’Brien (Discus), Stephen Dunne (Javelin) and the 4 x 400mts men’s relay team.  While racing abroad, David McCarthy set a new P.B. of 3 mins 46 secs for the 1500mts which qualified him for the European Junior Championships, where he finished 8th in his heat in a time of 3 mins 53 secs.The 14th Annual Dromana 5 miles road race was won by Sandis Bralitis and Sinéad Crotty in an entry of 166 participants. The Minnies League concluded with wins for Diane Chizhikova (1lap), Yevgeniy Chizhikov  (3 laps) and Raivis Zakis (4 laps).  A record entry of 249 runners participated in the 8th Annual GSK run.  The winners were Sandis  (24.53)  and Sinéad Crotty (29.54).  Raivis won both the Fermoy five-mile road race and the Dunhill 10k.  Both the TQS and 1-mile leagues commenced at St. Augustines.Sandis won the silver medal in the steeplechase (9.12) and Jamie Costin won the bronze medal in the 10k walk at the National Senior Track and Field Championships.  Our team of Joe Kelly, Liam Budds and Ray Dwyer won the Churchtown South 5 mile road race.  At the second day of the E.S.B. National Track and Field Leagues wins were recorded by Donny Rockett (Hammer), James Leddingham (400 and 800), Sandis Bralitis (5k and 3k Steeplechase), Dzintars Klava (1500) and Eadaoin Ashe (Discus).  Our men’s team topped the table and qualified for the finals.

Fresh from his victory in the Latvian 5k championship, Sandis Bralitis won the Ballymacarbry 5 miles road race in an entry of 155 participants.  Sinéad Crotty won the ladies race.  Our Green Mile League finished at St. Augustine’s with category wins for Daniel McCarthy, Seán Stillwell, David Early, Liam Kavanagh, Emer Scanlan and Carol Whelan.  Raivis won the Ballingarry 5k, the Shanagarry 5k and the Deadman’s 5 miler in Carrick including the overall Carrick Series. Our senior men’s Track and Field team scored a thrilling victory in Division one in the National League Finals in Tullamore.  Individual wins were recorded by Donny Rockett, Frank O’Brien (Discus), Liam Houlihan (Pole Vault), James Leddingham (8000), Dzintars Klava (1500), Raivis (3k Steeplechase) and Sandis (5k).Terri Gough won the National Masters 200mts, Hammer and Javelin Track and Field titles in Tullamore.  Sandra Brazil White won four bronze and Johnny O’Connor won the 400mts silver.  The Ardmore “5” was won by Sandis and Lucy Brennan in a field of 181 finishers.  The overall series winners were Sandis and Sinéad Crotty.  The TQS League finished in St. Augustine’s with Onra Power winning the overall title. Following the Summer Series our 2007 Club Champions were announced as follows: Sandis and Sinéad Crotty, O/35 : Joe Kelly and Brigid Coffey, O/40 Martin Hayes and Onra Power, O/45 Billy Maguire and Josie Uí Chuirrín, O/50 Colin Lyons, O/55 Liam Sandford and O/60 Terri Gough.

Diane Behan won the WLR Fun Run in Waterford and Raivis Zakis was second in the Munster Half Marathon Championship in Cork. The 1 Lap Challenge and Autumn League started at St. Augustine’s.  The members of our winning National Senior Men’s Track and Field team were presented with their All-Ireland medals at a function in Lawlors Hotel.  A meeting open to all interested club members was held to discuss the forthcoming Winter Leagues and 10-mile road race. The cross-country season opened in Kilmacow with wins for our senior men’s and women’s teams.  The men’s team was Raivis Zakis, Mark Shalloe, Kevin Kenneally and Diarmuid Coughlan.  The women’s team was Diane Behan, Corinna Walsh, Norma Wall and Elma Nugent.  The ladies race was won by Diane Behan.  In the Berlin Marathon, Billy Maguire ran 2 hours 59 mins to break the three-hour barrier for the first time. In the Munster Half Marathon Championship in cork our senior men’s team of Raivis Zakis (2nd), Trevor Mason and Michael Dunford won the silver medals, as did our master’s team of Ml Dunford, Pat Dunford and Gerry Cantwell.  In both the Munster and All-Ireland Half Marathon Championships, Ann Moroney (O/50), and Terri Gough (O/60) won the bronze and silver medals respectively.  Our senior men’s team of Raivis Zakis, Declan McGrath and Benji Whelan won the Cork to Cobh 15 miler.

In the Waterford Novice Cross-Country Championships our men’s team finished second and our ladies were both second and third.  Our Annual Garvey’s Super Valu Cross Country Run attracted 96 entrants.  The Waterford Senior Championships were won by Corinna Walsh and Sandis Bralitis.  The club won both team prizes, the teams being ladies, Corinna Walsh, Diane Behan, Norma Wall and Elma Nugent and men’s, Sandis Raivis, Rory Moloney and Mark Shalloe.  Both the Elite Paintball and the Autumn Leagues were won by Raivis.  Terri Gough won the O/60 Irish Marathon title in a time of 4 hours 55 mins.  Our Cross-Country Novice and Intermediate ladies teams of Brenda Hunt, Ailish ní hAodha, Ann Dunford and Ann Whelan won the Munster silver medals in Limerick and Cork.  Our men’s Intermediate Cross-Country team of Alan O’Brien, Kevin Kenneally, James Leddingham and Padraig Healy won the silver medals in Cork.  Our Annual Winter League commenced with 215 participants the first night.  The Brickey Five-Mile Run was won by Raivis Zakis and Diane Behan and the three miler was won by Brian Byrne and Corinna Walsh.

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