West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Dunphy Vivas Health “Dungarvan 10” launched


Its exciting times ahead for our club with the announcement last Wednesday evening of a brand new sponsor of our 10 mile road race on February 3rd 2008.Now in its 16th year the race was formally sponsored by Waterford Crystal a sponsorship which the club was most grateful for over many years, however with the closure of the factory in Dungarvan we needed to take a long look at the race itself and indeed the future of the event. It was obvious that a new sponsor was our first task in hand as the club felt this race is one event in our busy calendar that could flourish and grow into something really really big. It had everything going for it and the numbers of participants was growing steadily, We also know that we have a super fast course which is most important for the classic 10 mile distance, So we had the nucleolus of a good event, that could possibly become a great event in the Irish Athletics Calendar, now we needed the right sponsor with the same enthusiasm for the race to come on board, On a chance meeting with Mel Shanley Area Manager with well known local Dungarvan firm Dunphy Insurances Ltd and generally speaking about running and rugby and all things Sport, We spoke about the life line of all sports clubs, sponsorship, and Mel when asked was more than willing to talk a little more about our club, and its need now for a new sponsor for our high profile Dungarvan 10 mile which the club felt could possibly with the right direction become one of the best 10 mile road races in the country. With all this said, with in a week the club and Mel had the deal struck and we were on our way. After much work behind the scenes these last few months with ourselves and the hands on approach of Mel Shanley towards the event last Wednesday nights at our Winter league the announcement was made that our new sponsors going forward for the Dungarvan 10 is to be Dunphy Vivas Health a local firm who are many years in the insurance business in the town and now local agents for Vivas Health.The race will now be known as “Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10” Present at the launce on behalf of our kind sponsors were Finbarr Dunphy,Gerdi Mackey and Mel Shanley and we thank them for their presence last week at the league and indeed we sincerely thank them for their kind sponsorship of an event that we expect will be one of the largest sporting events in the county next year. Indeed such is the enthusiasm of our sponsors Vivas Health and Dunphy’s that the CEO of Vivas Health Mr Oliver Tattan, who recently won entrepreneur of the year, will make himself available on race day to be in Dungarvan and will be our honouree race starter come February 3rd next. Speaking at the launch of the race Mel Shanley stated that the firm of Dunphy Vivas Health were delighted to be involved with West Waterford Athletic Club, He went on to say it is a great event and offers athletes of all levels an opportunity to set themselves a new years goal whether it’s to beat their existing best time or just complete the run itself, As agents of Vivas Health, We are proud to sponsor this race Mel continued as Vivas Health empowers people to take control of their health and wellbeing,we think its a great event for athletes of the area and indeed for the hundreds of visiting  runners from all parts of the country who are expected to the town on February 3rd.


Vivas Health is very much committed to offering people in the Waterford area the best cover on the market and as well as offering members unique benefits which improve their lifestyle, Vivas Health covers more hospitals and treatment centres than any other health insurer, Vivas Health members can also avail of MRI Scans in the Whitfield Clinic which are paid directly by Vivas Health, If pre-approved by a consultant or GP.The club and the race organisers are delighted to welcome on board Dunphy Vivas Health as sole sponsors of the race, We are really excited about this sponsorship and our aim through the generous sponsorship received and the ongoing commitment from our new sponsors we will strive to make this race one of the top 10 mile road races in the country, that’s our plan and one which we will work towards over the next couple of years. We recognise as has been our club’s policy always that all races organised by our club will appeal to the fun runner as much as the elite athlete, This event will have something for everyone for all level’s of runners that’s our commitment. Mel Shanley and Jerdi Mackey along with Finbarr Dunphy company director have given the Dungarvan 10 a huge boost with their sponsorship and along with their commitment to this sponsorship over the coming years all involved are really excited about where this race is going with big plans for next year’s event and for future years. Much work is going on behind the scenes for the day and we can at this stage promise that there will be something for all levels of runners, Elie, club runner, Fun runner, Beginner’s all will be catered for as is our clubs policy. So if you’re a regular running each week keep up the good work, If you’re a semi retired runner dust off the old shoes, If you’re a beginner why not target the 10 miler on 3rd February as your main goal for the new year, Follow the trend as Vivas Health is encouraging all runners to take control of their health and fitness by entering the Dunphy Vivas Health 10 on Sunday February 3rd 2008.


The race is pencilled in for Sunday February 3rd 2008,and at a quite enough time of the year for local Hotels, B and B’s Restaurants etc, this race will also give the town and surrounding area’s a much needed boost when runners from all parts descend on the town for the event. The race will as previous years play an important part in the clubs Michael Roche Carpets spring series as the Dunphy Dungarvan 10 will be race number two in this years series plus an added attraction to the race is the fact that it will also be race number two in the John Buckley Sports Munster 10 mile road classic series. Both these two league series will attract extra runners from all parts of the country. Much work on next years event is already in place and we know that what is planned will delight all runners and indeed or sponsors.Entry forms available on line at www.westwaterfordathletic.org We appeal to all local participants to get their entry’s in early to race entries officer Denise Regan Ballinamuck Dungarvan. As always we recommend to our members to support all our sponsors when appropriate.


We urge all local runner to train for the Dunphys Vivas Health Dungarvan 10.for the regular runners this race is a must, But for the beginner or improver this is an ideal opportunity for you to target the 10 mile and train towards this goal over the upcoming Christmas period. Albert has his usual training runs each Monday and Friday’s and I know that his group many who have never ran the distance before have targeted Feb 3rd and the 10 mile race as their goal. They have two runs from the Crystal Centre Monday and Friday’s 5.30 and 6.30 which ever time suite best just come along and Albert will look after that training schedule for you with the Dunphy Vivas Health Dungarvan 10 in mind. 


To exercise at or near capacity is the best way I know of reaching a true introspective state. If you do it right, it can open all kinds of inner doors. Kevin Kennelly



He said before the off “perfect night sham going for record” and this task he duly accomplished. Raivis Zakis recent winner of the McGrath Newsagents Brickey 5 was waiting for some time for the right night and knew he was currently in shape to break the course record of 30.37 which he himself set two years previous. Last Wednesday evening he gave a masterful display when he went on to knock 27 seconds off this record as he sprinted past time keeper Liam Crowe at the finish line in Quann’s, to stop the watch at 30.10.Of course no sooner had he drawn a breath when was heard speaking about the 30 minute barrier and we know his capable of it. Watch this space. All in all it was an ideal night for running last Wednesday after the unfortunate black out the previous week when the league had to be cancelled. It was back to all systems go last Wednesday night a great turn out of 131 runner’s completed the 5.7 mile course and 121 runner’s ran the 2.7 mile course. First home on the night was newcomer to the league Colin Carroll with a very good time of 40.05.Colin was followed down the chute by Ger Wyley also running his first round of this years league. Ger is in good shape as he clocked a handy 41 minutes dead. Kilmacthomas’s Garry McCormack was our third finisher in 41.30.Speaking of Kilmacthomas three lovely Ladies from that part of the county filled the top three Ladies positions last week when, Nocola Dee lead in the three with a time of 54.08 with Caroline Russell on her shoulder in 54.09,bet you have no idea who the third Lady was. Yes of course it was Jenny Kirwan 54.11.well done to the girl’s great running.A couple of others performances of note last week included that of  Padraig O’Harthaigh 43.31,Noel Drohan and Tom Moroney who dead heated on 43.16.Joanne Dunford 45.43 and Rosarie Kealy 45.44,Camille Mulhearne 46.59,Brendan Kent 49.01,John Leahy was well under the 40 minute barrier with a time of 39.16,Well done to all.


The turn out was great for the 2.7 mile run last Wednesday and it was encouraging to see so many new comers registering for the first time. One such Man was Liam Walsh who missed out on his first winter league outing the previous week because of the cancellation of the league due to the black out around the town. Never the less Liam was back last week and recorded a time of 16.13 finishing first on the night. Not bad for a first timer but then again he is of course a veteran of the Hood to Coast 200 mile relay run, “bet many cant boast to have participated in that one”. Keeping the flag flying for the Ladies was Gemma Tobin who finished second last week, Emma gave a sterling performance to complete the run in 18.37 which was just two seconds ahead of the next finisher Claire Long 18.39.Seamus Moore was our next finisher in a time of 19.07.Lois Chappell was just two second behind Seamus with a time of 19.09.Emer Scanlon dragged herself away for the books for a while and came along to the league last week she was our sixth finisher in 20.04. (Back to the books again Emer). Other runner’s of note last week included the performances of Adam Green 23.05,Lisa Cronin 23.09,finishing together were Ita Mason and Cora Cummins 24.16.Glad at least one Mason is keeping the flag flying for the Mason running dynasty. Brian Byrne was fastest on the night with another super run 13.39.Anita Lyons is yet another of the Lyons family from the Valley who are all steeped in the local athletics scene and she is enjoying the league this year a case of if you can’t beat them!!!! Anita clocked 24.50.Tommy Keniry is no slouch and he ran a very good time last week of 17.30,his best time to date, The league last week saw the appearance of local Dungarvan Boxing legend Paul Hansbury who completed the course in a time of 22.29.Our final pick of the crop for this week is our two friends from The Gaeltacht Doireann Dé Faoite and Caren Ní Droma 25.57 and 25.58.well done girls.
The parking of cars now seems to be in order and we thank all runners for their co-operation again this year, and thanks also to our stewards each week out on the course insuring all get around the run without a hitch. Thanks also to our registrars, timekeepers, and computor personal, along with those on tunnel duty at the finish, your help is much appreciated.


Just to remind all winter league runners that the use of watches or headphones is prohibited. Penalty points will be awarded to any runner found to be breaking these rules.


Raivis Zakis was on the road early last Sunday morning to take part in the B.H.A.A.organised event The Murphy Memorial 4 mile road race in Inniscarra.Raivis performed well finishing second in a time of 20.49 with the winner Limerick’s Liam Reale clocking a time of 19.54.third was Eagles Wieslaw Sosnowski 21.33.Raivis is running very well presently with the All Ireland Novice in the Friary just a couple of weeks away we hope he can hold this form as he leads out our team in the quest for national glory.


West Waterford Athletic Club extends sincere sympathy to the family of Liam Christopher Ballylemon who passed away last week. May he rest in peace.


Our Annual general meeting will be held at 8.30pm on Thursday December 6th in Minnie’s Bar Abbeyside.Any motions to the meeting need to be with the club secretary Tony Ryan. Kilmurray. Dungarvan by November 30th.


Yet another red-letter day in the life of West Waterford Athletic Club is nearly upon us with the news that the club is to host the Irish national Novice and uneven ages cross country championships in St Augustine’s College (by kind permission) on Sunday December 16th next. There will be a host of national and indeed athletes from the locality participating in this event and a huge crowd is expected to the famed Friary grounds. As well as many of our young Juvenile athletes who have qualified through the recent Munster championships. Some will be wearing the colours of Munster, while others will line out in their county or club colours. The senior club will also field a Men’s and Ladies team in the Novice event. This event takes a big effort from the club members to organise and with this in mind we ask anyone who might be available on the day to give a hand to contact any committee member of the Juvenile or Senior club, remember many hands make light work. More anon.


The Munster Masters cross-country championships are on this coming Sunday November 2nd in Tralee, Co.Kerry. Luxury coach leaving the Park Hotel at 10.15 AM sharp.
Diane Behan, Ann Dunford, Anne Whelan, Brigid Coffey, Brid Veale, Judy Hanrahan, Ann Moroney, Terri Gough, Helene Hayes, Margaret Power, Eibhlis Ní hAodha, Josie Uí Chuirrin and Jacinta Sheil.
Joe Kelly, Jim Fleming, Johnny O’Connor, Brendan Whelan, Conor Murray, Vincent Tutty, Pat Dunford, Con Kelleher, Paddy Power, Joe Gough, Colin Lyons, Ron Fawkes, Michael Wade and Michael Deegan


All running enthusiasts are welcome to our two mile Colligan Cup run in St.Augustines College this Saturday at 12 noon. As well as giving you an opportunity to run in daylight at this time of year, it also offers newcomers to the winter league a chance to taste the Colligan Cup running system, as there will be two of these types of runs during the current Wednesday night league. On the other hand for our members preparing for the upcoming All Ireland championships at the same venue, it will provide us with some valuable speed work and a run over the course that will be used on the day. The famous Kiely Monumental Colligan Cup run it is just eight weeks away so here again is another reason for you to get yourself out the St. Augustine’s this Saturday morning. Entry fee is 2 Euro and all are welcome. 


Congratulations this week to popular club member Jim Fleming on reaching the ripe young age of 40.Jim who is very involved as a coach with special Olympics is not long back from Shanghi where this years games were held.  

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