West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

West Waterford’s National League Track and Field team honoured.


At a pleasant club function in Lawlors Hotel last Friday evening the Victorious Men’s National E.S.B.Track and Field team who are league champions for 2007 were presented with their All Ireland Medals. As well as the winning team members and their partners and the other senior club members present we also had a good representation from the clubs Juvenile section, which was most welcome. After a delicious meal served up by the management and Staff of Lawlors hotel whom we thank. Senior club chairman James Veale welcomed all present and spoke of the huge achievement by this Men’s team in winning division one of the National Track and Field league in Tullamore on Saturday August 11th last. A feat which was last achieved by the club way back in 1995.James thank all those who are putting in a huge amount of work behind the scene at Juvenile and Senior level. And spoke of the good mix in this team and the gelling of our older more experience athletes with the younger Juvenile athletes who are now coming through to the senior ranks. The win by this team was indeed an all round effort by many of the club’s athletes and coaches in conclusion the chairman spoke especially of the work put in by the Club’s Track and Field co-ordinator Tony Ryan and this years success was in no small way attributed to his efforts with the team. Making the medal presentations were Coach Br Patrick Lennon. Chairman of the Juvenile club Antoinette O’Brien and Senior club chairman James Veale.Tony Ryan spoke of the commitment of the Athletes who took part in the first two rounds which was most important without the efforts by those athletes here we would have not even reached the final eight teams who took part in Tullamore.Tony also spoke of how important a role those athletes who finished in 3rd and 4th and 5th place in their particular discipline played in the overall achievements on the final day as we finished level on points with St.Abbans AC and on a count back of wins we took the overall championship title. Tony then proceeded to call up the winning team one by one and spoke of the achievements of each individual athlete as they were presented with their medal. Role on 2008 as we now have been promoted to the premier division with nothing to feat I must add. Our thanks to all our members and supporters who came along to Lawlors to support and celebrated with the team on Friday evening.


Round one of the ever popular Enrights Eurospar Autumn League began last Thursday in the Friary College. We witnessed a super turn-out from all types of runners, from the complete beginner to the seasoned athlete. The weather was fabulous and the ground was in perfect condition which all culminated in a very enjoyable evening for all participants. The Eurospar League caters for everyone, as there is a choice of one, two, three or four laps. Many newcomers opt for one lap to begin with and some find that as the league progresses that they might want to challenge themselves a bit more and move on to the two-lap league. Likewise, if you decide that you want to do less, you can always drop back to one lap. As with all our leagues, you are welcome any night. It doesn’t matter if you miss a night or two. If you haven’t been there yet, you are still most welcome to come along and give it a try. The League takes place every Thursday night at 6.30 p.m. and the entry fee is €2. Water is provided at the finish for all participants. It was great to see some new faces and we would like to say a special word of welcome to Brigid Blackwell, Tracey Drummy, Catherine Wright, Shirley Flynn, Susie Flynn, Eileen Power and Kathleen Young. Divisions have been made out based on your finishing positions. If you finish in tenth place, you get ten points, twenty points if you finish in 20th place and so on. The divisions will change from week to week, depending on each person’s performance. We hope as many as possible will come along next Thursday night and take part. See you all out there.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Enright Family of Eurospar Abbeyside for sponsoring the Eurospar Autumn league. We are delighted that they have once again come on board and as always their support and co-operation is greatly appreciated.


This year’s One Lap Challenge got off to a great start last Tuesday night in the grounds of the Friary College (by kind permission). Thirty-three proved up to the challenge of running one lap of the Friary College, which is a total distance of 1.2 miles. This lap challenge is designed with the total newcomer in mind. It is a means for all those who want to get fit to do so. Many that began the challenge on the first night walked around and for the second night their goal will be to walk and perhaps jog a small bit of the distance. On the third night their goal will be to try and run a little bit more than they did the previous week. It’s called a one-lap challenge and that’s what it is, challenging yourself to do a little bit extra every week. Nobody is expected to come along on their first night and run the full lap, if they could it wouldn’t be a challenge! As already stated, this league is to help all those who want to take up running. It’s great to be able to get out in the evenings and get a bit of exercise. It doesn’t take too long to do the lap and it’s all the better if you bring a friend or two to keep you company. We provide the grounds, the clock, the finishing tunnel, the water and all you have to do is turn up with a bit of enthusiasm and you will be well on your way to a happier and healthier Autumn! The entry fee is just €2 each night. The club van will be there and if you have any queries or questions about the run, there are plenty of people only too willing to help. If you have missed any night so far, not to worry, you are welcome any night. If you can’t make every night, that’s okay too. Just turn up whenever you can and we can guarantee that you’ll be glad that you did. The Elite Paintball One Lap Challenge is held every Tuesday night in the Friary Grounds at 7 p.m. All are welcome.


Thanks to our sponsors Jeff and Marie Allen, for sponsoring this year’s one lap challenge. Both were present on the night and proved to be well able for the challenge as they both took part and are already looking forward to the next night. West Waterford Athletic Club is delighted to welcome them on board as it is due to the generosity of our sponsors that we are in a position to hold such leagues. Many thanks.


On October 14th in St Augustine’s College at 2.30 PM we have our clubs premier event of the cross country season the Annual Garveys SuperValue 5 mile race which will attract some of the area’s finest cross country runners. However before that we will have the first outing of the season with our annual trip to Kilmacow for round one of the Ryan brothers perpetual shield match between West Waterford and St.Senans. Round two will be held in conjunction with the Garvey’s SuperValue race, Cross Country co-ordinator Tony Ryan will be expecting a big turn out for the St.Senan’s organised event on Sunday week September 30th.The programme gets under way with a full Juvenile programme at 1 PM.The Men’s race will be held over the 8.000 meter course and the Ladies race over 3.000 meters. There are prizes for the first 3 seniors and first three Masters plus first 3 juniors. Team prizes Men and Women with 4 to score. Entry to race is 5 Euro. This year again any runner from St.Senan’s or West Waterford who runs both legs of the shield will be entered into a raffle for a pair of running spikes kindly donated by our match sponsors the Ryan brothers. Anyone needing transport ring Tony on 087-7657805.


Its that time of year and our thoughts turn to the All Rounder Sports Winter league which gets under way in late October, road racing co-ordinator Gerry Cantwell is calling a meeting on tomorrow night Thursday 20th September in Minnie’s Bar, Abbeyside at 8.30 PM for anyone who might like to get involved with the organising of this year’s league, this event is now one of the largest events on the Athletics calendar and many hands are needed in many different areas with the organising of the event. On the night we will also discuss the clubs upcoming Dungarvan 10 which next February is going to be a very special event for the club. Shortly a brand new sponsor will be announced which the club is very excited about. Don’t leave it to others give a little back, come along To Minnie’s every little help’s. Many hands and all that. 


For all of those club members who have access to a computer. Don’t forget to check out our club site on www.westwaterfordathletics.org where you will be kept up to date on all club activities on a weekly bases, Notes, league finishing times, league tables etc and also have a peep at our new photo section, you’d never know you might be featured. We would love to hear from any of our readers with their thoughts on the site good or bad. Send us e-mail at info@westwaterfordathletics.org 

Special Olympics Ireland in association with the Garda Siochana and the Police Service of Northern Ireland will hold.” The law enforcement Torch Run” from Sunday 23rd to Wednesday 26th of September. The main aim of the Olympic Torch Run is to increase the profile and awareness of the Special Olympics throughout the country and in particular the Special Olympics World summer games which are being held in Shanghai, China from 2nd to 11th October 2007.Carriglea Cairde Services employees and West Waterford club members Jim Fleming and Tom Scanlon have kindly invited our club to be part of history by taking part in the Olympic torch run when all at the club are asked to assemble at Abbeyside G.A.A.club grounds no latter than 6.45 pm on this Sunday September 23rd to jog the one mile to Grattan Square with the Law Enforcement carrying torch team. We will be back from The Kilmacow cross country race by this stage and we hope that all club members will come along and take part in this unique event. How many chances will one get in their lifetime to take part in an Olympic torch run? Well this is it lads and lassies.


The will to win means nothing if you haven’t the will to prepare. Patrick Riordan.


Best of luck to all club athletes taking part in this Sundays Annual Cork to Cobh 15 mile road race. Traditionally a race ran by those training for the upcoming Autumn Marathon season it will be an indicator for many as to their current form.
STRETCHING: -: An Introduction.
There seems to be an endless debate in the running world of whether stretching before and after a run is necessary or not. One camp suggests stretching avoids injury and protects the body from the harshness of the road, while the other camp believes stretching offers little benefits and in fact can actually cause injury. So who’s right?
Well both camps are right to a point. Stretching, when done properly, can decrease the chances of an injury but if not performed properly, can actually increase your chances of an injury. Stretching is one of the most important aspects of any training programme. It can protect the body from the severity of the road by reducing muscle soreness, risk of injury to muscles, joints and tendons and it can improve your athletic performance. Care should be taken when stretching – if you stretch too quickly the muscle can contract and increase tension, therefore, muscles should always be stretched slowly and the stretch should be held for approximately 30 seconds, this way the muscle tension falls and the muscle can be stretched further. When stretching don’t ‘bounce’ the muscle! It’s a common mistake but doing it can pull or tear the muscle you’re trying to ease. Don’t stretch if you feel tightness in the muscle or if you feel any pain or discomfort. Stretching should form part of your training session, both before and after, your run. Whilst you may not get the same kind of enjoyment from it as running, the benefits from stretching correctly can only improve your performance.
Calf Stretch

Position your body about three feet from a wall and stand with you feet at shoulder width. Place your hands on the wall with your arms straight for support. Lean your hips forward and bend your knees slightly to stretch your calves.
Leg Stretch

From the previous position, bend forward to lower your body to waist height. Bring one foot forward with your knee slightly bent. Lift the toes of the front foot to stretch the muscle under the calf. Stretch both legs.
Hamstring Stretch

Lie down with one leg straight up in the air, the other bent with foot flat on the ground. Hook a towel over the arch of the lifted foot, and gently pull on the towel as you push against it with your foot. Push gently only to the point where you feel your muscles contract. Stretch both legs.
Quadriceps Stretch

Kneel on your knees (without resting back on your heels). Lean back with your body erect and your arms to the side. Hold for 10 seconds.
Heel To Buttock

Stand on one foot, with one hand on a wall for balance. Hold the other foot with the opposite hand and raise the heel of the lifted foot to the buttocks (or as near as possible), stretching your quadriceps. Keep your body upright throughout. Repeat with the other leg.

How often should I drink water and sports drinks during training and the race itself race?
Each individual runner has to set his or her guidelines. The way to do that is to practice drinking while training, particularly in the long runs. How much water and how much sports drink I take depends partly on the weather. The higher the temperatures, the more water vs. sports drink. But don’t drink too much. If you over-hydrate, you’ll either need to duck into alleys or behind bushes, which isn’t always fun. We all have different sweat rates, and we sweat more or less depending on the temperature and humidity, so experience plays a more important part than any hard-set rules.
If I miss several workouts due to injury/illness, where do I pick up the schedule when I am healthy again?
It depends on how much time you lose because of the illness or injury. If you miss only a few days, you can probably resume training on schedule. (Forget any missed miles; they’re gone forever.) If you lose a week or more, you need to be very cautious while catching up to make sure you don’t re-injure yourself or delay your recovery from illness. If you lose several weeks or more, you may need to reconsider your commitment to your planned marathon.

How do I prevent blisters/chafing.
Bodyglide is one product that every runner troubled by the above problems should have in his or her travelling bag. It’s a wax-like substance similar to stick underarm deodorants that you lather over sensitive parts. Yes, you could use Vaseline or such slippery substance, but Bodyglide lasts longer and won’t stain clothing like Vaseline will. Body glide is available from your local running sports store. Various other products can be purchased to protect against blisters, although you need to determine what causes the blisters. Often the answer is in the shoe or more often than not it’s the sock. The clothing you wear often compounds the problem. Smooth, synthetic fibres as you get in the likes of dry fit chafe less than cotton. Of course all West Waterford runners have no problem here as the club vest is made from coolmax and won’t chafe.
 Is it helpful to have someone pace you?
More and more marathons have begun to provide pacing teams to help runners reach specific times. This makes it easier to achieve your goal. Running a steady pace has been shown to be the most efficient way to run fast. And one of the worst errors a well-tapered runner can make in a marathon is running the first few miles too fast because it "feels so easy." If you don’t want to join a pacing team, or the marathon you selected doesn’t have one, try to locate other runners who want to run at your pace. Finding people to pace you in practice is another good strategy for making running more enjoyable



As the saying goes the writing’s on the wall, after accumulating a huge 13 points during the month of August in the Friends of West Waterford Athlete of the year club competition last year’s winner Raivis Zakis has sailed in to a commanding lead with a tally of 64 points after eight months. Now with four months remaining his aim will be to break the 100 barrier to become the first ever in the competition to do so. When winning this competition last year he fell just short of that mark and said then that he would do it next year, well he certainly is on course to do just that, Many of the athletes behind have very good scores also which on another year would be good enough to have them in contention for overall honours but when this Raivis guy gets something into his head, well that’s that isn’t it. We wish him well with his task of reaching the 100 which I for one won’t be betting against.
 January February March April May June July August Total
Zakis, Raivis 7 7 4 7 10 7 9 13 64
Stilwell, Sean  5 7 6 5 10 6 5 4 48
Budds, Liam 6 6 4 4 8 7 8 5 48
Wall, Triona  7 5 6 4 6 5 9 4 46
Morrissey, Pat 6 5 4 5 7 7 6 5 45
Tutty Michael 9 3 6 4 7 3 8 5 45
Dunford, Ann 9 5 2 4 8 7 7 1 43
Crotty Sinead 7 7 4 3 8 7 3 3 42
Uì Chuirrìn, Josie 6 4 3 4 8 6 8 3 42
Bralitis, Sandis  1 3 2 5 5 8 10 7 41
Power, Onra 7 3 3 4 4 3 9 8 41
Kelly, Richard 7 4 4 4 9 6 6 1 41
Wall, Norma  7 6 6 4 5 6 4 2 40
Whelan, Anne 7 4 5 3 7 4 6 4 40
Hanrahan, Judy  6 8 4 3 5 5 6 2 39
Coleman Tomas 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 2 38
Ryan, Martina 5 5 4 5 6 6 4 3 38
Deegan, Dixie 9 6 4 5 3 3 5 3 38
Power, Paddy 8 4 1 2 5 7 6 4 37
Tutty, Vincent 4 2 6 2 6 7 5 5 37
O’Riordan, Ptk 6 5 0 2 6 6 7 5 37
Kavanagh, Liam  7 5 4 5 2 3 5 6 37

All those traveling with the club to the Amsterdam Marathon on October 21st are asked to note that a bus will leave the Park Hotel on Friday 19th at 1.30 pm sharp for Cork Airport and it will also do the return trip from Cork to Dungarvan coming home. The price for the return trip is 15 Euro and as a limited number of seats are available it’s a case of first come first served, with your 15 Euro of course. Monies can be paid to Vincent Tutty or Jacinta Sheil.

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