West Waterford Athletic ClubWest Waterford Athletic Club

Jamie Costin Records Personal Best Time For 50k To Reach World And Olympic Qualifying Mark


Many had written off the athletics career of Jamie Costin after a devastating accident days before he was due to compete at the Athens Olympics in 2004,Injuries which sidelined the West Waterford athlete for most of two years, Not only has he overcome those life threatening injuries but he has now battled all the way back to the very highest level and the proof was in the pudding as they say with a massive performance last Sunday in Royal Lemington Spa in England at the European cup race walking event. Many believed he couldn’t possibly come back to compete again in the top flight of one of the most gruelling of all sports, the sport of 50 k Race walking. Few will forget the horrific car crash that ended Jamie Costin’s Greece Olympics, at one stage there was the dreadful thought that he would never walk again. But a top medical team, his own determination and the steedy will to succeed he proved one can overcome everything if one believes in themselves. Jamie had dropped out some weeks ago in a race over the 50 k distance and on the face of the results things didn’t look too good for the Ring man that was until some days after when speaking to him he quickly brushed the performance aside and said he was exactly where he wanted to be at this stage of his battle back to full fitness and was not to be written off just yet. In Slovakia a few weeks after this he came back to the 20k distance for some sharpening up walking and here performed well. He was quietly confident for the future. Last Sunday when finishing 6th in a field which included many of the best in Europe he recorded a new personal best time for the 50k of 3.53.30 This was 28 seconds inside his previous best time for the distance it was also a whopping six and a half minutes inside the A standard for the World championships in Osaka and also the Olympic Games in Beijing next year. As Jamie stated after the race last Sunday. It’s been a long hard road back but now I’m back on the starting line at World level again, When many a mortal would have thrown in the towel well before now Jamie’s Dream of competing in an Olympic games is back on track and very much alive. All at your club are proud of your achievements to date and more important your determination to succeed is an example to all.     

Jamie’s split times for the 50k race last Sunday read as follows.

 Jamie Costin IRL 0:24:14- 0:48:09- 1:11:27 -1:34:47 -1:58:01 -2:21:05 -2:44:17 -3:07:22-3:30:11 3:53:30 (k Splits)


The 38th Annual Paddy Flanagan memorial Bausch and Lomb sponsored Waterford to Tramore road race was held last Saturday evening in ideal weather conditions and a record field of 235 runners completed the course. It’s most encouraging to see yet again a record turn out for this race now in its 38th year and one of the oldest road races in the country. With huge numbers running with our own club West Waterford and the big increase of city runners with Waterford AC along with the newly formed Carrick road runners plus a good spread of runners from the neighboring counties Cork. Wexford and Kilkenny etc the running boom of the 80’s could very well revisit again as the sport now seems to be going in the right direction. This increase in numbers running seems to be evident all over the country presently, one could argue that the times being recorded now are a far cry from the times recorded by athletes in the 80’s but that argument is for another day. Back to the race Saturday evening which as is tradition got under way from the city hall Waterford and made its way out the main Waterford to Tramore road to the finish at the Majestic Hotel where a large crowd had gathered to welcome the runners as they completed the 7.5 mile course. Our thanks to the Garda and all the stewards on the course who did a super job on marshalling the course on such a busy road thankfully all went off with out a hitch. The presentation of prizes and shower facilities were at the Tramore G.A.A. club and our thanks to them for giving us the use of their facilities again this year, Thanks in a special way to our main sponsors Bausch and Lomb for the beautiful array of prizes on offer, West Waterford AC took this race into its busy fixtures list some 15 years ago when the event at that time was struggling and numbers were down to less than 60 runners. It now boasts one of the largest fields in the south for any road race. This year the race was organised by a very competent Waterford AC team who did a superb job on the night, so to the crew looking after registration, results, and the finish area we say mission accomplished. To Fintan on P.A.The order of Malta, Those who looked after the Waterstop which was welcome on such a hot night and all who looked after the runners with sandwiches etc at presentation of prizes. Finally thanks to Mrs Paddy Flanagan for her presence at the presentation last Saturday night and for her attendance at the event each and every one of the 38 years of race. She awarded her tradition special prize to the runner who she herself deems to be deserving of a special prize on the night and her choice this year was a popular one when she announced Anne Whelan West Waterford AC.as this year’s recipient. Well-done Anne.


What can one say about last Saturday evening’s winner. It was a case of the same again from the fair-haired one. The very much inform athlete on the running scene presently West Waterford’s Sandis Bralitis retained his title in emphatic fashion. Indeed he makes it look so easy after 200 meters it was race over as Sandis sprinted into a commanding lead which he just increased as the miles passed and despite running the entire race alone he still managed to record a new best time of 37.54 almost a minute faster than his winning time of 38.52 recorded last year. Apart from the phenomenal display from Sandis the battle for second place was a real tussle between two West Waterford team mates Sean Stilwell and Dzintars Klava.After Seán filled the second placing on the road for 6 of the 7 plus miles Dzintars always kept the Ardmore man in his sights and was on his shoulder at 6 miles drawing away over the next half mile or so to record a fine second placing in a time of 41.08.This was Dzintars 3rd year in succession finishing in the runners up spot which is real consistent running from the “Abbeyside” man. Seán after having a real go can be delighted with his performance in 3rd place 41.20,This was a far cry and a huge improvement from his 44.12 finishing time of last year. Seán is one of the clubs most improved Male athletes this year and is now a real contender in the business end of all the road races he competes in presently. Former race winner Peter Duggan was 4th with a time of 42.19.Waterford AC’s Mark Langford was next 42.34 and another St.Josephs athlete David Duggan was 6th 43.43 and he won the over 40 catagory. Gabriel Murphy clinched the over 45 prize with his run of 44.09.The over 50 category was won by P.J.Dwyer St Senan’s 46.38.Con Kelleher West Waterford AC was the first over 55 finisher in 53.06 and Alex Flynn took the title of first Junior in 48.35.West Waterford for the fourth year in succession took the team honours with Trevor Mason 7th,Joe Kelly 11th and Michael Dunford 15th giving them a total of 33 points.


Witnessing the Ladies race from the comfort of someone else’s leader clad Volvo I had the pleasure of watching one of the best Ladies road races in years down these parts when anyone of four athletes had a realistic chance of taking the top honours. As far back as my tiny memory can recall we have never had such a field of Female athletes assembled for quite some time in the same race and it proved to be a cracker with four of the early contenders still locked together at 6 miles. But the evening belonged to Source Cork athlete Ann Marie Holland who finally made the decisive move drawing away from the remaining two after former race winner Jackie Carthy found herself just of the pace leaving long time leader Maria Griffin and that Lady again West Waterford’s Sineád Crotty battling for the runner up position. Ann Marie crossed the line 21st overall in a fine time of 46.33,which was over 3 minutes faster than last years winning time which shows the quality of this years Ladies field. Over the final couple of hundred meters Marie Griffin broke clear of Sineád and took that second placing in a time of 46.44 with Sineád again gaining much experience in this kind of company finishing 3rd with a splendid 46.58.Jackie Carty drifted back somewhat in the latter stages and finished 4th with a time 47.54.Jackie took the over 35 prize here.

West Waterford’s Anne Whelan’s 53.42 was enough to take the Ladies over 40 category for the second year in succession and it was likewise for Ann Fitzgerald Waterford who was the winner of the Ladies over 45’s in 52.51 for the second year in a row also. With West Waterford’s Helene Hayes first over 50 in 70.18,West Waterford AC’s newest Junior Female young Stacey Lyons was the winner of the Junior prize with a time of 59.06.Well done to all West Waterford’s prize winners and all those who participated from the club, another impressive turn out.


As we approach race 4 in this years series, The Hallahan Coaches Touraneena 5k on Monday June 4th.We issue a little reminder to all who haven’t yet joined the Ger Wyley Sports/Nike summer series that now is the time to do so. Entry to the series is 7 Euro, and remember its 6 out of a possible 10 races to count. Numbers are well up on last year at this stage, All who enter and complete 6 races will receive a Nike voucher to the value of 25 Euro kindly sponsored by Ger Wyley Sports and Nike


The Minnie’s League is growing more popular week by week and the proof of this is in the huge numbers attending each week. So far, a total of 174 people have turned up in the three weeks of its existence and there is no doubt that this number will increase even more. In the one lap league 16 people signed up last week, which was very encouraging to see. It was also double the number that ran the previous week so that’s saying something.  We welcome Yevgeniy Chizhiko, Sally Ann King, Avril Doocey, Stephen Greene, Siobhàin Flynn, Siobhàin and Aine Moore and Ita Mason.  Well done to all of you on your first run for the Minnie’s League this year and we look forward to seeing you from here on.  For many of our regular runners, the Friary Leagues was where it all began for them and like so many of you, they all started running one lap and as time went by they increased the distance. Although, the time you run is not important by any means, everyone that ran the one lap league in week 2, all recorded faster times in week 3. Significant improvements were also recorded in the 2, 3 and 4 lap leagues. This improvement in time means that you are getting fitter week by week so just imagine what you will be like after 9 weeks of the league! The sky’s the limit!!

For those of you that have not yet run in the League but are thinking about it, it is a running league that lasts for 9 weeks over the summer. It caters for all runners and more specifically for those that are not runners or haven’t ever run, but are interested in giving it a go for health and fitness reasons. It is run every Tuesday night in the Friary College and begins at 7 p.m. All you have to do is turn up, go to the van (You can’t miss it!! Just ask for the Ryan Express!!) Pay €2 and with a bit of willingness and enthusiasm run your chosen lap distance. Each lap of the Friary Grounds is 1.2 miles. There is no time limit whatsoever in this league. If you have never ran before, you may try walking a bit and jogging a bit and build on from there. Remember, we all have to start somewhere and there are plenty people out there in the same boat. Support and encouragement will be provided in abundance and we also provide a guarantee that you will never look back once you have made the move. People are welcome each and every night and you don’t have to run every night nor do you have to have been doing it from the start. What have you to lose!! See you soon!


Week 3 saw the biggest number yet running the one lap league, which mainly consists of those, new to running and already the improvement shown here is remarkable. Yevgeniy Chizhikov ran a very impressive 7.07. Sally Ann King ran just under ten minutes for the distance and Katie O’ Brien will no doubt be looking to break ten minutes as she ran a super 10.03 for the one lap. As the weeks go by in the League it will get easier and without even trying you will find that your times will automatically improve.


The two-lap league also experienced a surge in numbers and this was partly due to some people, which moved from the one lap league to the two-lap league. This is a great achievement in such a short space of time. Eileen Heffernan, Nicola Moroney and Diane O’Rourke made this move and they looked very comfortable undertaking this distance and who knows maybe the three-lap league will be their next challenge. Well-done girls!  Joe Barry led the field home again but was closely followed by Stacey Lyons and Tom Byrne. Pearse Moloney and Richie Power ran well on the night and recorded the same time of 19.30. Keep up the good work.


A total of 15 ran the three-lap league, one up from the previous week. The man from the Kingdom, Johnny O’ Connor was first over the line in a time of 21.47. Brenda Hunt produced another fine run and no doubt would be a great asset to the ladies’ cross-country team. Looking through the club archives, the improvement of Aine Kelly stands out immensely. On the third night of this very same league last year she ran a time of 33.26 and for the same night this year she ran 30.06, now if that’s not improvement, I don’t know what is!! Well done to all in the three laps.


A total of seven runners dipped under 30 minutes for the four-lap league last week. Patrick O’ Riordan and Brian Byrne were unlucky in their efforts being just a few seconds out but no doubt they will make amends the next night. Corinna Walsh was the first lady home in a time of 31.25 and looks well on the way to making a great comeback. Richie Kelly, Earl Navin and Tomàs Coleman are edging closer and closer to 33 minutes as each night passes. Trevor Walsh and Ann Dunford both had a super run to clock 34.24, almost half a minute quicker than the previous week. Tracy Dwyer is improving weekly, as are Paddy and Brìd Breathnach. Our Marathoners, Jean, Jacinta and Albert all had fine runs and their training programme looks to be going very well for them indeed. Just for the record also Raivis Zakis set a new course and league best time last Tuesday when he completed the four laps in a scintillating 25.12 can he break the 25 minute barrier by league end.?


Round five of the league will be held on Thursday night, May 31st due to the county finals of the Primary School Sports. All other nights of the league will be held on the usual Tuesday night at 7 p.m.


The Minnie’s League, as with all our other races and events, could not be run without the generous support of our Sponsors. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the O’ Brien Family of Minnie’s for their generous support of this league.



The Munster Masters Track and Field championships will be held on this Sunday 27th May in Castleisland, Co. Kerry and the club will be sending a strong Ladies and Men’s squad to the event. All those travelling please note the bus will leave the Park Hotel at 8 AM sharp.



11.00a.m. Hammer

11.30 Men & Women Walks and Pole Vault

12.00 400m Hurdles Finals

12.15 4 X 100 Relays

12.30 1500m Finals, High Jump and Shot

12.50 100m Heats

13.15 5000m (Men), Javelin and High Jump

13.30 100m Finals, Weight WF

13.45 400m Heats

14.00 Shot Long Jump

14.10 5000m (Women)

14.30 100/110m Hurdles Finals

14.45 400m Finals, Long Jump and Javelin

15.00 2000m S/Chase, Final Weight Height

15.15 200m Heats

15.30 800m Finals, Triple Jump

16.00 200m Finals, Discus

16.15 4 X 400m Relays

Any senior athletes wishing to partake in these championships are requested to contact club secretary Tony Ryan. Please note only fully paid up club members will be entered.



We are delighted this week to pass on the good news from our friends at Touraneena Racquet ball club of the announcement recently of a brand new sponsor for their upcoming Touraneena 5k road race, one of the most popular in the Ger Wyley/Nike summer series .Our yearly trip to Touraneena takes place on the upcoming June bank holiday Monday 4th for the 4th race in this years series, as in previous years the local racquetball club will have their high standard of preparation for the 5 k race, A which gets the whole community involved with the organising of their event. The race organisers through the generosity of the new sponsor Hallahan’s Coaches once again hope to donate a sizeable cash donation from the proceeds of a deserving charity, This year recipient of same will be The Street Children of Bucharest.


The walk will begin at 6:30 pm in order for the walkers to be able to see the start and finish of the race. Walkers will be asked to predict the time to complete the course and the person who is nearest but not faster to their time will be presented with the much sought after Ann Power Memorial Perpetual Trophy. Entry fee to the walk will be €5 per person. The walk will begin outside the Community Centre.


The race will begin in its usual place at the back entrance to the graveyard at 7:30pm. Entry fee to the race will €8.Cash Prizes will be awarded for the first 3 men and women as well as prizes for first in the following grades: Men Over 40,45,50,and 60.Women Over 35,40 45 and 50.


On tomorrow night Thursday 24th the Annual Ballycotton four five mile race series gets under way with the Ballyandreen 5 starting at 8.p.m.then over the following three months of the summer there will be the Shanagarry 5 on June 28th at 8 p.m., Churchtown South July 26th at 8 p.m.and finally Ballycotton itself on Thursday August 23rd this start will be at the earlier time of 7.30 p.m. because of the fading light. Prizes each night, First 10 men first 3 over 40,45,50,first 2 over 55,first over 60,65 and 70,first 2 under 20 Junior’s, three two three to score outside individual prize winners, Women first 6,first 2 over 35,40,45,50,first over 55 and 60,first team 3 to score outside individual prize winners. Also spots will award at each race. Overall prizes will be decided on by cumulative times over the four races. First 6 men, first three masters (any age) first two juniors. First five Women. In addition a special T-shirt will be awarded to the first 50 men and first 15 Women over all in the series. All athletes who complete all four races will receive a souvenir plaque. Results sheets will be published after each race and will be available on the night, entry is 4 Euro per race taken on the night of each race, Final race 5 Euro with one Euro going to a designated charity.



Race number one in the new Carrick road runners summer series takes place next Sunday May 27th at 1 PM.The Outfield Sports/Asics ”The Champion Kiely” 5k is kindly sponsored by Clearpoint recycling. Registration and changing facilities at Ballyneale Parish Hall from 11.30 am. Entry fee 8 Euro or 20 Euro for the three race series. Cash prizes on offer with 150 Euro for first Man and Women plus the usual categories prizes. Prize for 1st non-athletic club team. Walk gets under way at 12.30 PM.The final two races in the series are the Rathgormack 5 on Friday July 20th at 7.30 PM and The Deadman’s 5 on Sunday 12th August at 12 Noon. Gerry measured the course last weekend and reports back that it is a smashing fast flat course, not too many course’s get the nod of approval from himself, so it must be a good one.


Running is the classical road to self-consciousness, self-awareness and self-reliance. Independence is the outstanding characteristic of the runner. He learns the harsh reality of his physical and mental limitations when he runs. He learns that personal commitment; sacrifice and determination are his only means to betterment. Runners only get promoted through self-conquest.” The Doc


The Bridgie Terries Pub sponsored Cruchán mountain race takes place this coming Sunday May 27th with a 1pm starting time. Held under the auspices of IMRA (Irish Mountain Running Association) and West Waterford Athletic Club the race is part of the Munster hill running league and draws runners from near and far. The race is generously sponsored once again this year by Bridgie Terrie’s Pub at the Pike and the course winds it’s way along forestry footpaths and mountain trails to the summit of the mountain and back along a different route to the starting point. Tim Foley is the club co ordinator here and we thank him for his involvement with this event. If you want to try something different and want a real challenge next Sunday will give you exactly that.

If any club member is available for an hour on Sunday Tim is looking for half a dozen stewards to give a hand marshalling the route. Please contact James or Tim before Friday if available. Your help here would be appreciated.


On Sunday next the inaugural Emer Casey Memorial 10km run/walk takes place in Youghal.The event has already attracted a huge entry and in excess of 500 runners and walkers are expected to take part. The run/walk begins at 2pm at Pobalscoil Na Trionoide and features a very fast first two miles before taking in the town centre with the finish back at the strand. The Emer Casey Foundation was established in memory of the late Emer Casey who died aged 28 just twelve months ago following a short but very brave battle to cancer. The beloved daughter of Brendan and Juliette Casey, Emer was a native of Youghal and a former juvenile athlete with the local club.

Her former colleagues in the law firm Matheson, Ormsby, Prentice Solicitors are the proud sponsors of the inaugural 10km which boasts a prize fund of €2,500. The prize list includes the first six men and women and as well as category and team awards. There is also a T-shirt and ‘goody bag’ for all finishers. This flat course will guarantee fast times and is an ideal warm-up for the Cork City Marathon which takes place the following weekend. Late entries will be take on the day from 11.30am until 1.30pm and full details of the race and the foundation can be seen on the website www.emercaseyfoundation.com The race is one of many events being organised by the foundation to raise money to increase public awareness of ovarian/uterine cancer and to provide support to the families of patients.




West Waterford’s James Ledingham was in action last Wednesday at the Dublin Graded meeting at Irishtown Stadium. Taking part in the mile James clocked a solid 4.36.86 proving that he is in good shape for the track season ahead. Well-done Jim.


West Waterford athletic club extends sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Alan Everett Waterford who passed to his eternal reward last weekend. May he rest in peace.










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